Northshore Council PTSA is a welcoming organization that works to support our Local PTAs and serve the children and youth of our community through advocacy, collaboration, education, engagement, leadership, and mentorship.
Council PTSA - How Do We Fit In?Northshore School District
Our 34 Local PTAs Northshore Council PTSA | Region 6 | WSPTA | National PTA (the above are all clickable links) Northshore Council is the PTSA that oversees the 34 local PTAs within the Northshore School District. We are here to support our PTAs, develop leadership, promote membership and give service to the local school community. Council is a key link in the line of communication between the local PTAs, Region 6 (there are 13 Regions in WA State), WA State PTA and the National PTA. Council contributes to a stronger, more effective organization by providing information, inspiration and instruction for its member units. Councils serve the entire area, not just a portion of it, by helping PTAs focus on what they need to pay attention to and when, by training officers as they come into their positions, and by collaborating with the school district. Northshore Council can assist your local unit in so many ways.... Provide a communication link between district, PTAs, and parents in the community. Answer questions for local units and assist with conflict resolution. Be a resource of information to PTA leaders. Offer mentoring of future leaders. We are a collective voice for the children they serve. Watch our "What Is Council?" presentation to learn more about what Council can do to support our local PTA leaders! Click here to reach to any Council officer to answer questions, get more information and be inspired! How does Northshore Council do our job?The best way we can do our job is to hear from local units. We want to share your wins, provide advice on your struggles, train you and share information about what is working for other local units. You can help us by speaking up and showing up!
- Hold great general meetings with informative speakers - Do a needs assessment survey from local units - your opinion matters! - Provide both an Elementary & a Secondary Vice President of Support to connect with your local unit - Host regular free trainings in Northshore - Promote Trainings from Region 6, surrounding Regions and WA State PTA - Train/mentor future leaders - Hold face-to-face meetings with local units - Provide an informative and up to date website and Facebook - Attend your local unit meetings - Actively seek out new leaders. - Attend School Board Meetings to provide reports on what is happening with PTA - Regularly meet and partner with Northshore School District to understand changes in the district - Participate in Community events |