General Council Forms
2024-2025 Council Expense Disbursement Form Other PTA Documents Standards of Affiliation (SOA) Agreement Checklist - provided by WA State PTA to help local PTAs and council leaders ensure their independent nonprofit business remains current with all IRS, state, insurance, and PTA requirements. Best Practice PTA Timeline - this document will provide you with a monthly break down of following PTA best practices Tackling Transitions - good one pager on what incoming and outgoing officers/chairs should be considering Sample Afterschool Enrichment Contract Form - from WSPTA - sample form that identifies what a PTA should cover when setting up an enrichment program. Financial Review Checklist Helpful Guide - a helpful to use when completing a financial review. PTA Job Descriptions These are provided by Council to help your PTA better understand different roles within PTA. We recommend that you create these for your specific PTA as well.
Very cool community mural from our friends at Moorlands Elementary PTA that was made of bottle caps. It was recognized by WSPTA as "gold" for a PTA taking significant action in their community.
Grant Procedures (12/2009)

Northshore Council PTSA has worked with the Northshore School District to develop the current Grant Procedures to simplify the process of granting money to schools and/or the District. It is now permissible to grant money directly to the school for amounts up to $10,000.00
Granting funds to a Northshore school/Northshore School District and allowing them to make the purchase helps to protect the PTA/PTSA from liability. It also removes the PTA/PTSA from responsibility for maintenance of the item.
If items or services purchased by the school or the district cost more than the maximum amount stated in a grant agreement, the granting PTA/PTSA unit is not required to pay the extra cost. The PTA/PTSA may choose to write a new grant agreement to fund the additional cost but is under no obligation to do so. It is advisable to carefully research the cost of items or services, including sales/use tax and shipping/handling, prior to entering into a grant agreement.
PTA/PTSA grants/gifts to schools or the District fall into one of the following four categories:
1) Monetary grants may be made directly to the school for amounts up to $10,000.00 (Use Grant Form A.)
2) Monetary grants made to a Northshore School or the Northshore School District for amounts $10,000.00 or greater require School Board Approval, per Northshore School Board Policy Number 7260 (Use Grant Form B [print then fill out] or Grant Form B fillable [fill out then print].)
3) Gifts of Items (use Form C, Hold Harmless Agreement.) The practice of granting money, not items, to the school or school district is highly preferable because it protects PTA/PTSAs from liability. However, in some exceptional cases, PTA/PTSAs may gift items to schools or the District.
4) PTA/PTSA Scholarships. If your PTA/PTSA has a line item in your budget for Scholarships, Office Managers should make a written request to the PTA/PTSA for a specific number of scholarships (anonymous), and this request should be signed by the principal. Once this request is received, PTA/PTSAs can simply write a check to the school office, as if they were the parent, for the scholarship amount. This includes sports, field trips, Camp Cedar Springs, and other programs for which your PTA/PTSA has agreed to offer scholarships. A sample form is provided for your use.
Granting funds to a Northshore school/Northshore School District and allowing them to make the purchase helps to protect the PTA/PTSA from liability. It also removes the PTA/PTSA from responsibility for maintenance of the item.
If items or services purchased by the school or the district cost more than the maximum amount stated in a grant agreement, the granting PTA/PTSA unit is not required to pay the extra cost. The PTA/PTSA may choose to write a new grant agreement to fund the additional cost but is under no obligation to do so. It is advisable to carefully research the cost of items or services, including sales/use tax and shipping/handling, prior to entering into a grant agreement.
PTA/PTSA grants/gifts to schools or the District fall into one of the following four categories:
1) Monetary grants may be made directly to the school for amounts up to $10,000.00 (Use Grant Form A.)
2) Monetary grants made to a Northshore School or the Northshore School District for amounts $10,000.00 or greater require School Board Approval, per Northshore School Board Policy Number 7260 (Use Grant Form B [print then fill out] or Grant Form B fillable [fill out then print].)
3) Gifts of Items (use Form C, Hold Harmless Agreement.) The practice of granting money, not items, to the school or school district is highly preferable because it protects PTA/PTSAs from liability. However, in some exceptional cases, PTA/PTSAs may gift items to schools or the District.
4) PTA/PTSA Scholarships. If your PTA/PTSA has a line item in your budget for Scholarships, Office Managers should make a written request to the PTA/PTSA for a specific number of scholarships (anonymous), and this request should be signed by the principal. Once this request is received, PTA/PTSAs can simply write a check to the school office, as if they were the parent, for the scholarship amount. This includes sports, field trips, Camp Cedar Springs, and other programs for which your PTA/PTSA has agreed to offer scholarships. A sample form is provided for your use.