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Unless noted otherwise, Northshore Council PTSA Membership meetings are held online via Zoom. Once available, meeting links will be posted on our site and sent via eNews. Passcode for online meetings can be found in the latest eNews or requested by sending an email to Council PTSA Communications VP. Click here for a complete list of Board Meeting, General Meetings and meeting minutes.
2021-2022 Northshore Council PTSA Events Calendar
The below are key dates but not all encompassing of every WA State PTA or National PTA program, event, and training. Please continue to read information from WSPTA & NPTA.
Jump to 2022
August is National Immunization Awareness Month | |
Aug. 3 | Northshore Council PTSA Board Meeting | 6:30pm | Online |
Aug. 7 | WSPTA Leadership Conference | Online |
Aug. 9 | NSD School Board Meeting | 4pm | NSD Administration Building |
Aug. 22 | Community Serve Day | 9am-1pm | Various NSD Schools |
Aug. 23 | NSD School Board Meeting | 7pm | NSD Administration Building |
Aug. 26 | Membership Roundtable | 7pm | Online |
Aug. 28 | NSD Back to School Fair | 10am-12pm | Pop Keeney |
September is National Deaf Awareness | National Hispanic Heritage | National Literacy | National Preparedness | National Suicide Prevention Month | |
Sept. 1 | School Starts |
Sept. 6 | Labor Day |
Sept. 9 | memberplanet Training | 7pm | Online |
Sept. 13 | NSD School Board Meeting | 4pm | NSD Administration Building |
Sept. 16-18 | WSPTA Autumn Leadership Launch (A.L.L.) | Online |
Sept. 20 | Northshore Council PTSA General Meeting | 7pm | Online **Now with Council Meet & Greet @ 6:30pm** |
Sept. 24 | 1st Submission Deadline: Educational Speakers and Community Events Grant Program |
Sept. 27 | NSD School Board Meeting | 7pm | NSD Administration Building |
October is Down Syndrome Awareness | International Walk to School | National ADHD Awareness | National Arts and Humanities | National Bullying Prevention | National Dyslexia Month | |
Oct. 4 | Northshore Council PTSA Board Meeting | 7pm | Online |
Oct. 5 | E-Prep Chair Meeting | 11am-12pm | Online |
Oct. 5 | Council's School Board Candidate Forum | 7-8:30pm | Kenmore Community Club |
Oct. 6-9 | Regions 1 & 6 Fall Leadership Training | Online |
Oct. 7 | Council Office Hours | 12:30pm-1:30pm | Online |
Oct. 11 | NSD School Board Meeting | 4pm | NSD Administration Building |
Oct. 14 | PTA Success Roundtable |7pm | Online |
Oct. 18 | Reflections Roundtable | 7pm | Online |
Oct. 19 | E-Prep Chair Trainings | 11am AND 7pm | Online |
Oct. 20 | NSD/PTA Connections Virtual Roundtable | Time TBA | Online |
Oct. 21 | Great Washington ShakeOut |
Oct. 21 | Reflections Roundtable | 11am | Online |
Oct. 23-24 | WSPTA Legislative Assembly | TBD |
Oct. 25 | NSD School Board Meeting | 7pm | NSD Administration Building |
November is National Adoption Awareness | National Diabetes | Native American Indian/Alaska Native Heritage Month | |
Nov. 1 | WSPTA Reflections Theme Search Deadline |
Nov. 2 | Election Day |
Nov. 2 | E-Prep Chair Meeting | 11am-12pm | Online |
Nov. 4 | Council Office Hours | 12:30pm-1:30pm | Online |
Nov. 8 | NSD School Board Meeting | 4pm | NSD Administration Building |
Nov. 11 | Veterans Day |
Nov. 15 | Northshore Council PTSA General Meeting | 7pm | Online **Now with Council Meet & Greet @ 6:30pm** |
Nov. 17 | Identifying and Addressing Youth Anxiety with Kendra Read, PhD | 1pm | Online |
Nov. 17 | Guiding Teens on the Bumpy Road to Independence with Kathy Slattergren of Priceless Parenting | 7pm | Online |
Nov. 18 | Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Roundtable | 7pm | Online | Nov. 22 | NSD School Board Meeting | 7pm | NSD Administration Building |
Nov. 25-26 | Thanksgiving Break |
Nov. 26 | 2nd Submission Deadline: Educational Speakers and Community Events Grant Program |
December is National Impaired Driving Prevention Awareness Month | |
Dec. 3 | Reflections entries due to Council | 9pm | Submit Online |
Dec. 6 | Northshore Council PTSA Board Meeting | 7pm | Online |
Dec. 7 | E-Prep Chair Meeting | 11am-12pm | Online |
Dec. 13 | NSD School Board Meeting | 4pm | NSD Administration Building |
Dec. 20-31 | Winter Break |
January is National Braille Literacy | National Mentoring | National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month | |
Jan. | Council Reflections Celebration | Date/Time/Location TBD |
Jan. 1 | New Year's Day |
Jan. 3 | First Day Back to School after Winter Break | Jan. 10 | NSD School Board Meeting | 4pm | NSD Administration Building |
Jan. 17 | Martin Luther King Jr. Day |
Jan. 17 | WSPTA Focus on Advocacy Day | Online |
Jan. 17-21 | WSPTA Focus on Advocacy Week | Online |
Jan. 20 | Northshore Council PTSA General Meeting | 7pm | Online **Now with Council Meet & Greet @ 6:30pm** |
Jan. 21 | 3rd & FINAL Submission Deadline: Educational Speakers and Community Events Grant Program |
Jan. 24 | NSD School Board Meeting | 7pm | NSD Administration Building |
Jan. 31 | Non-Student Day |
February is National Black History | National Eating Disorders Awareness | National Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month | |
Feb. 1 | *Extended* FINAL Submission Deadline: Educational Speakers and Community Events Grant Program |
Feb. 1 | E-Prep Chair Meeting | 11am-12pm | Online |
Feb. 2 | Laying the Groundwork for a More Supportive and Aware Community Around Gender Diversity: Session 1 | 6pm | Online |
Feb. 7 | Northshore Council PTSA Board Meeting | 7pm | Online |
Feb. 9 | Laying the Groundwork for a More Supportive and Aware Community Around Gender Diversity: Session 2 | 6pm | Online |
Feb. 14 | NSD School Board Meeting | 4pm | NSD Administration Building |
Feb. 17 | National PTA Founder's Day |
Feb. 18 | Nominations for 2022-2023 Council Leaders Due |
Feb. 21-25 | Presidents' Day and Mid-Winter Break |
Feb. 28 | NSD School Board Meeting | 7pm | NSD Administration Building |
March is Developmental Disabilities Awareness | National Music in our Schools | National Nutrition | National Reading | National Self Injury Awareness | National Youth Art | Women's History Month | |
Mar. 1 | WSPTA State Level Awards Submissions Deadline |
Mar. 1 | WSPTA Scholarship Applications Deadline |
Mar. 1 | WSPTA Game Development Competition Submission Deadline |
Mar. 1 | WSPTA Essay Contest Submission Deadline |
Mar. 8 | E-Prep Chair Meeting | 11am-12pm | Online |
Mar. 14 | NSD School Board Meeting | 4pm | NSD Administration Building |
Mar. 14 | Digital Safety 101: The 3 Big Bads (Sexting, Cyberbullying, and Porn) | 7pm | Online |
Mar. 15 | WSPTA Awards Submission Deadline (Leadership Service, Membership, Awards of Excellence) |
Mar. 16 | Journey to College: A Timeline for Students & Parents | 7pm | Online |
Mar. 21 | Northshore Council PTSA General Meeting | 7:00 pm | Online **Now with Council Meet & Greet @ 6:30pm** |
Mar. 22 | Special Education: Student & Family Support; Focus on Student Rights (IEP, Section 504, and more!) | 6pm | Online |
Mar. 28 | NSD School Board Meeting | 7pm | NSD Administration Building |
April is National Autism Awareness | National Black Women’s History | National Child Abuse Prevention | National Deaf History | National Distracted Driving Awareness | National Financial Literacy | National Mathematics Awareness | National Poetry | National Sexual Assault Awareness | National Volunteer Month | |
Apr. 2-8 | Angst Virtual Screening | Anytime | Online |
Apr. 4 | Northshore Council PTSA Board Meeting | 7pm | Online |
Apr. 5 | E-Prep Chair Meeting | 11am-12pm | Online |
Apr. 11-15 | Spring Break |
Apr. 14 | WA State PTA Founder's Day |
Apr. 20 | Special Education: Student & Family Support; Focus on Early Learning (Birth-3 and transition to IEP at age 3) | 6pm | Online |
Apr. 25 | NSD School Board Meeting | 7pm | NSD Administration Building |
May is Asian Pacific American Heritage | National Foster Care | National Mental Health Awareness | National Water Safety Month | May 1 | DRAFT Submission Deadline for WA State PTA Issues/Resolutions/Principles for Legislative Assembly 2022 |
May 2-6 | National Teacher Appreciation Week |
May 9 | NSD School Board Meeting | 4pm | NSD Administration Building |
May 10 | E-Prep Chair Meeting | 11am-12pm | Online |
May 10 | Special Education: Student & Family Support; Focus on IEP Transition Planning for Life after High School | 6pm | Online |
May 16 | Northshore Council PTSA General Meeting & Spring Recognition Event | 7pm | Online **Now with Council Meet & Greet @ 6:30pm** |
May 20-22 | WSPTA State Convention | Lynnwood, WA |
May 23 | NSD School Board Meeting | 7pm | NSD Administration Building |
May 25 | How to Manage Stress & Anxiety and Develop a Growth Mindset | 7pm | Online |
May 27 | Added School Day (Emergency Make-Up Day) |
May 27 | Deadline to Submit Online Form for WA State PTA Issues/Resolutions/Principles for Legislative Assembly 2022 |
May 30 | Memorial Day |
June is National Safety | National LGBTQ Pride Month | |
Jun. 1 | FINAL Submission Deadline for WA State PTA Issues/Resolutions/Principles for Legislative Assembly 2022 |
Jun. 6 | Northshore Council PTSA Board Meeting | 7pm | Online |
Jun. 10 | E-Prep Chair Meeting | 11am-12pm | Online |
Jun. 7 | Special Education: Student & Family Support; Focus on Caregiver Self-Care | 6pm | Online |
Jun. 13 | NSD School Board Meeting | 4pm | NSD Administration Building |
Jun. 16-19 | 2022 Legislative Conference and National PTA Convention & Expo | National Harbor, Maryland |
Jun. 17 | Last Day of School |
Jun. 27 | NSD School Board Meeting | 7pm | NSD Administration Building |
July is National Fragile X Awareness Month | |
Jul. 11 | NSD School Board Meeting | 4pm | NSD Administration Building |
Jul. 13 | Council Office Hours | 12pm | Online |
Other important Calendars
NSD School Board meetings - meetings are on the second Monday at 4 p.m. and the fourth Monday at 7 p.m. of each month.
Click here for the full NSD Calendar.
NSD School Board meetings - meetings are on the second Monday at 4 p.m. and the fourth Monday at 7 p.m. of each month.
Click here for the full NSD Calendar.
Updated 8/12/2021