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What is a Council?
- Councils are a structure created to support, coordinate, facilitate, and serve the local units in its area.
- They are not to compete with local units in fund-raising efforts, or by offering the same programs as local units do.
- Councils are there to serve the entire area, not just a portion of it, by helping units focus on what they need to pay attention to and when, by training officers as they come into their positions, and by collaborating with the school district.
- Councils provide a communication link between district, PTAs, and parents in the community.
- Councils answer questions for local units and assist with conflict resolution.
- Councils are a resource of information and experience to local unit leaders.
- Councils offer mentoring of future leaders.
- Councils are a collective voice for the children they serve.
- STEM: Support, Train, Encourage and Model correct behavior.
How do Councils provide these services?
- Conduct Regularly scheduled Council meetings
- Get a needs assessment surveys from local units
- Regular two-way communications
- Train/Mentor future leaders
- Travel to local units with Council information and services
- Website/Constant Contact - Council and local unit articles
- Face-to-Face meetings with their units
- Sit with local units at meetings
- Actively seek out new leaders
- Create a PR committee, both to reach out to local units and the larger community
- Present Council value to the school board and represent membership interests
- Participate in community events