The following is a summary of 2019/2020 Emergency Preparedness (E-Prep) activities. We want to recognize and thank the following individuals for contributions to Emergency Preparedness, the Northshore School District, and our students:
Many thanks to our NSD team that has supported every Emergency-Preparedness (E-Prep) monthly meeting with updates and for giving PTSA parents a forum to vocalize both suggestions and concerns. We would like to specifically thank Clark Combs E-Prep TOSA, Bill Brooks, Security, and Henry Simon, Director Safety and Security, for their continued focus on the safety of our students and staff, security, and preparedness. Here are a few of the key things achieved this school year:
The Northshore Council PTSA E-Prep team is looking forward to next year’s opportunities to continue to help improve each school’s emergency preparedness and we will also be focusing on our family preparedness for emergencies and disasters. Next year you will also see an improved NS Council PTSA E-Prep webpage, on-line E-Prep meetings, meeting recordings and on-line training. One example is online CERT (Community Emergency Response Training), which will provide access to those who may have had trouble getting it and allow volunteers to acquire the CERT credential at their own pace. CLICK HERE for more info. Have a wonderful and safe summer,
Robin McKenzie and Tracy Jokisch Emergency Preparedness Co-chairs Northshore Council PTSA 6.10 A Culture of Preparedness in our Community Thank you to all who joined us for the final Northshore Council PTSA general membership meeting of the year on Monday, June 1, 2020. It was an action-packed and celebratory evening! One key business item was a vote to change the 2020-21 Council budget. Due to COVID-19 related delays in chartering a new PTSA at Ruby Bridges Elementary (opening in Fall 2020), Northshore Council PTSA members voted to approve a line item in the budget to host a special school supplies fundraiser to benefit the Ruby Bridges community and future PTSA. Once the business portion of the agenda was concluded, President Grace Jurado took some time to thank the current officers and other volunteers, and we welcomed Washington State PTA President, Janice Kutzera, who did us the honor of installing our 2020-2021 Officers! Natalie Campbell, Northshore School District (NSD) Partnerships Coordinator, shared that she keeps a Community Assistance page up-to-date on the district webpage. She noted that the district's Back to School Fair will likely not be held in-person this year and Community Serve Day, tentatively scheduled for August 23rd, is still up in the air. The Wall of Honor presentation will also be delayed. She was also excited to share that the NSD Volunteer Application will soon be available online for all volunteers at all schools. School Board Director Jacqueline McGourty noted that NSD aced a recent audit, everyone is preparing for commencement, and the school board is being briefed regularly by OSPI on changes in policy and guidance as we head into fall. NSD Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid also shared an update. On June 8th, the State will give out guidance about school opening in the Fall. With regards to sports, she noted that WIAA has not made a decision about fall sports. It is possible that we may even flip sports seasons with more-contact sports in the Spring and less-contact sports in Fall. The highlight of the meeting was the presentation of the 2019-2020 PTSA Awards. Congratulations to this year's award recipients:
The evening was adjourned with a celebratory toast to end the year.
Each year, Northshore Council PTSA recognizes a few special people who have gone above and beyond in service to our community and who promote the well-being and education of children in our district and beyond. This year, Council was proud to recognize seven amazing individuals.
Congratulations to this year's winners! Northshore Council PTSA recognized its 2019-2020 award recipients at its general membership meeting on June 1, 2020 which was held online.
January 2025
Northshore Council PTSA is a welcoming organization that works to support our Local PTAs and serve the children and youth of our community through advocacy, collaboration, education, engagement, leadership, and mentorship.