You are welcome to attend one or all sessions! |
Monday, August, 12, 2024
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM 🏝 Thursday, August 29, 2024 Topic: Changes to Standing Rules 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM **Office Hours on Thursday, August 29th, will be focused on Standing Rule Changes due to recently voted in WSPTA Bylaws.** Register for Zoom Link: |
If you have questions and need to connect with Council prior to this, please visit our Contact Page for a list Council Officers and their emails.
Share this page or the link above and ask your incoming board to complete the form.
Council connects and supports Northshore PTA/PTSA leaders in various ways, including:
- Twice monthly Council eNews (read past issues)
- Event invitations
- Open Office Hours
- Timely information on specific programs (e.g., Advocacy, Reflections)
- And more!
Please have each member of your 2024-2025 PTA/PTSA board complete the Council 2024-2025 Contact Form by July 1, 2024, they serve on or as they are elected/appointed to your board. This includes positions such as the executive committee (elected positions), board members, committee chairs, etc. If you serve on more than one PTA/PTSA, please complete one time for each one.
This information is used exclusively by Northshore Council PTSA.
- Council 2024-2025 Contact Form
For local Northshore PTA leaders including executive committee (aka: elected positions), board members, committee chairs, etc.) - Council Email Contact List
- Northshore Council Calendar
- Northshore Council webpage
- Northshore Council Facebook page
- Northshore Council Instagram
- Council Office Hours (see calendar)
Facebook Groups for local Northshore PTA Leaders:
- Northshore Council PTSA Presidents (Current and Incoming 2024-2025 Presidents Only & Council)
- Northshore Council PTSA: Local PTA Leaders Hub (All Local Northshore PTA Leaders)
2024 Northshore Council PTSA Awards Nomination Form
Click link to complete form.
Multiple submissions can be completed for multiple nominees!
- Outstanding Educator – Honors individuals who go beyond the normal expectations of their jobs to make the learning environment fun, beneficial and challenging. An educator is not limited to a teacher and may be defined as a teacher, assistant, specialist, support staff, administrator, or community member.
- Outstanding Advocate – Honors individuals for their continued and dedicated service to ALL children demonstrating a commitment to speaking up for children in the areas relating to health, welfare, safety, and education of children and youth.
- Outstanding Service - This is the highest volunteer award given by the Washington State PTA. It is awarded to someone who has gone beyond his or her own school community, job, or PTA in order to give dedicated volunteer service to children. Note: This award may only be given by a council. Local PTA members are encouraged to nominate deserving volunteers to the council for this recognition.
- Honorary Life Membership – Recognizes an individual who has contributed significantly to a PTA at the local unit, council, or state level. This special award can be given by a PTA unit, council, or region.
- Outstanding Student Advocate Award - Recognizes students who have made significant contributions through leadership and service in their school and community.
- Golden Acorn – A Golden Acorn Award is presented by a local PTA or council to a school or community volunteer in recognition of her or his dedication and service to children and youth.
Questions? Contact Council Awards Committee.
Friday, June 7, 2024.
If you are interested in joining the planning committee, please contact VP of Events,
Melissa Bennett [email protected].
The first meeting will be held on Thursday, April 18 at 7 PM via Zoom.
Consider joining Council's 2024-2025 Executive Board! Self Nominate by Wednesday, May 8, 2024. Elections for VP of Communications, VP of Elementary Support, VP of Secondary Support, and Co-VP of Events will be held at the General Membership Meeting on May 20, 2024. |
VP of Communications: Works to facilitate Northshore Council PTSA communications in order to inform, engage, educate and inspire local PTAs and beyond.
VP of Elementary Support: Act as a conduit of information for local elementary PTAs. Helps to answer questions local PTA's may have and works to recognize and celebrate local PTA's.
VP of Secondary Support: Act as a conduit of information for local secondary (high school and middle school) PTAs. Helps to answer questions local PTA's may have and works to recognize and celebrate local PTA's.
Co-VP of Events: Plans and coordinates Councils yearly events including Presidents and Principals Brunch, Reflections Celebration, and Spring Recognition Event.
Anyone self declaring for a 2024-2025 Northshore Council Elected Board Position must meet the following qualification requirements.
Per the 2023-2024 Council Standing Rules:
All Candidates:
- Any position may be held jointly by two (2) people, except the role of Treasurer.
- Nominees must be at least 18 years of age.
- Nominees must be a current member of at least one local PTA that falls within the Northshore Council PTSA membership area.
Candidates for the office of President and First Vice President shall also:
- Have two years of elected officer experience on Northshore Council PTSA;
- Have served as President of a local PTA for at least one year and have one year of serving in an elected position on Council or higher.
Candidates for the offices of VP of Elementary Support and VP of Secondary Support shall also:
- Have served in PTA a minimum of 2 years, with one year as a local PTA President and one year in a board position at the educational stage that they are going to support.
Election Information: As there is only one candidate per position, the election will be conducted via voice vote at the next General Membership Meeting on Monday, March 18, 2024. For positions that are listed as "OPEN", no candidate has come forth. Council will continue to seek volunteers for this position with the goal of holding an election at a future General Membership Meeting. Register for Zoom Meeting Link: |
In the 2024 Nominating Committee Report, the following slate of candidates were put forward for 2024-2025:
For the Office of President: Grace Jurado
For the Office of First Vice President: Diana Christiansen
For the Office of Secretary: Christine Roehnelt
For the Office of Treasurer: Brenae Brix
For the Office of VP of Events: Melissa Bennett and OPEN
For the Office of VP of Advocacy: Terra Droney and Holly Muenchow
For the Office of VP of Communications: OPEN
For the Office of VP of Elementary Support: OPEN
For the Office of VP of Secondary Support: OPEN
The period for self-declared nominations for these positions closed on Thursday, March 7, 2024.
Anyone self declaring for a 2024-2025 Northshore Council Elected Board Position must meet the following qualification requirements.
Per the 2023-2024 Council Standing Rules:
All Candidates:
- Any position may be held jointly by two (2) people, except the role of Treasurer.
- Nominees must be at least 18 years of age.
- Nominees must be a current member of at least one local PTA that falls within the Northshore Council PTSA membership area.
- Have two years of elected officer experience on Northshore Council PTSA;
- Have served as President of a local PTA for at least one year and have one year of serving in an elected position on Council or higher.
- Have served in PTA a minimum of 2 years, with one year as a local PTA President and one year in a board position at the educational stage that they are going to support.
If you are interested in joining the 2024-2025 Northshore Council PTSA Executive Board, now is the time to self-declare! Northshore Council PTSA will be holding its 2024-2025 elections online on Monday, March 18, 2024. Northshore Council PTSA is opening up the floor virtually by using an online submission form. |
- VP Elementary Support
- VP Secondary Support
- VP of Communications
- Co-VP of Events
Self Declare Nomination Form
(click above link for form)
Deadline for submission is no later than midnight on Thursday, March 7, 2024.
At the close of the self-nomination period, if there is any contested position we will send out an electronic voting method to Northshore PTA/PTSA presidents and vice-presidents. If no position is contested, we will hold the election by voice vote during our next General Membership Meeting on Monday, March 18, 2024.
Slate of Candidates:
In the 2024 Nominating Committee Report, the following slate of candidates were put forward for 2024-2025:
For the Office of President: Grace Jurado
For the Office of First Vice President: Diana Christiansen
For the Office of Secretary: Christine Roehnelt
For the Office of Treasurer: Brenae Brix
For the Office of VP of Events: Melissa Bennett and OPEN
For the Office of VP of Advocacy: Terra Droney and Holly Muenchow
For the Office of VP of Communications: OPEN
For the Office of VP of Elementary Support: OPEN
For the Office of VP of Secondary Support: OPEN
Anyone self declaring for a 2024-2025 Northshore Council Elected Board Position must meet the following qualification requirements.
Per the 2023-2024 Council Standing Rules:
All Candidates:
- Any position may be held jointly by two (2) people, except the role of Treasurer.
- Nominees must be at least 18 years of age.
- Nominees must be a current member of at least one local PTA that falls within the Northshore Council PTSA membership area.
Candidates for the office of President and First Vice President shall also:
- Have two years of elected officer experience on Northshore Council PTSA;
- Have served as President of a local PTA for at least one year and have one year of serving in an elected position on Council or higher.
Candidates for the offices of VP of Elementary Support and VP of Secondary Support shall also:
- Have served in PTA a minimum of 2 years, with one year as a local PTA President and one year in a board position at the educational stage that they are going to support.
President: The President has many important jobs including serving as the official contact, communicator and representative of Council. They oversee and coordinate the work of the executive board, preside over meetings, are ex-officio members of all committees (except Nominating Committee) and are designated as an authorized signer for checks, contracts and authorizations for payment. But, most importantly, they work to connect PTAs which in turn helps them support families, schools and the community to work towards overall student success.
1st VP: Must be familiar with the Council president’s duties and responsibilities. Act as an aide to the president and perform the duties of the president in his or her absence. Is in charge of advertising and organizing the Council Grant Program and yearly Awards.
Treasurer: Is the authorized custodian of the funds of the association and receives and disburses all monies in accordance with the budget as approved by the membership.
Secretary: Keeps an accurate record of meetings, which become part of the permanent history of the PTA. Also responsible for taking attendance and monitoring quorum at meetings.
VP of Events: Plans and coordinates Councils yearly events including Presidents and Principals Brunch, Reflections Celebration and Spring Recognition Event.
VP of Communications: Works to facilitate Northshore Council PTSA communications in order to inform, engage, educate and inspire local PTAs and beyond.
VP of Advocacy: Help to educate local PTA's and disseminate information about current WSPTA and National PTA legislative priorities.
VP of Elementary Support: Act as a conduit of information for local elementary PTAs. Helps to answer questions local PTA's may have and works to recognize and celebrate local PTA's.
VP of Secondary Support: Act as a conduit of information for local secondary (high school and middle school) PTAs. Helps to answer questions local PTA's may have and works to recognize and celebrate local PTA's.
The election will take place during the Northshore Council PTSA Membership Meeting on Monday, March 18, 2024. WSPTA Bylaws permit the nomination of candidates from the floor* before the vote takes place. *Nominations from the floor will be conducted through an online submission form prior to the meeting. Please refer to our post on Self-Declaring for 2024-2025 Elected Board Positions for more information.
Slate of Candidates:
In the 2024 Nominating Committee Report, the following slate of candidates were put forward for 2024-2025:
- For the Office of President: Grace Jurado
- For the Office of First Vice President: Diana Christiansen
- For the Office of Secretary: Christine Roehnelt
- For the Office of Treasurer: Brenae Brix
- For the Office of VP of Events: Melissa Bennett and OPEN
- For the Office of VP of Advocacy: Terra Droney and Holly Muenchow
- For the Office of VP of Communications: OPEN
- For the Office of VP of Elementary Support: OPEN
- For the Office of VP of Secondary Support: OPEN
Continue reading below for a recap of the meeting.
- Council Office Hours
- The remaining scheduled Coucil Office Hours for the school year have been cancelled, however, Council leaders can set up 1 on 1 meetings with local leaders to answer questions or concerns! Email us to set up a meeting!
- WSPTA Upcoming Deadlines
- WSPTA Programs have upcoming February deadlines for their student programs for the Essay Contest and Scholarship Program. The Awards of Excellence applications are due in March. Also, the applications for 100% Staff Membership Award and 100% PTA Membership Award are due in March. Visit the WSPTA website links for specific deadlines.
- School Board
Director Elisabeth Sotak is our new liaison. Welcome Director Sotak! - Community Partnerships & Volunteer Coordinator - Marco Garcia
Northshore School District's 6th Annual State of Our Schools will be on the morning of Feb 7th. Northshore School District is in need of a few volunteers from 6:30 am to 7:30 am to help with set-up. Treats will be provided and volunteers are welcome to stay for the event. E-mail Marco Garcia if you are able to volunteer.
- Bulk Mailing Permit Survey
- Council has maintained a bulk mailing permit which has been available for local PTAs to utilize. It has not been used much, if at all, the last few years. A survey is being conducted to help determine if there is a need to renew the bulk mailing permit or let it lapse. A motion passed to cancel the bulk mailing permit with an amendment that council can renew the permit if it is determined from the survey that there is a need to renew the permit from the local PTAs. Complete survey here.
- Seeking Grants Proposal Committee Members
- Holly M. volunteered to chair the committee. Council is seeking two or more local PTSA leaders to join her in researching and formulating the grant. The grant is about trying to achieve more equity in the PTSAs. Council would like to appoint volunteers to the committee during the next board meeting in February. Contact Council President, Rachel Fitzgerald, if you would like to volunteer for this committee.
- Letter to School Board and Superintendent Tolley
- Diana C. presented a draft letter to be presented to the school board and Superintendent Tolley regarding concerns about the 2024-25 budget cuts. The letter was drafted by a committee formed at the December 2023 board of directors meeting. A motion passed to amend the letter and it will be read and emailed to the Northshore Council Board and Superintendent Tolley. The letter will be signed by Northshore Council PTSA Members and Board of Directors. Read letter here.
- Membership
- Please encourage people to become members of their local PTA. The Great PTA Sign Up Day is January 31. WSPTA goal is to increase membership across the state by 5000 members.
- Nominating Committee
- If you would like to nominate yourself to be part of the 2024-2025 Northshore Council PTSA Board, please contact the committee by emailing [email protected] or complete the nomination form by January 31, 2024. We have many key positions open. Also, looking for a Co-VP of Events. Learn more about the positions.
- Events
- First meeting of the Reflections Reception Committee is being held on January 18. If you are interested in joining the committee, please contact Melissa B. An in-person Reflections Reception to celebrate our Northshore students will be held on Thursday, March 14. More details coming soon.
- Reflections
- There were 211 entries from across the district. We have 51 entries moving up as state qualifiers.
- Advocacy
- Focus Day was Monday, January 15, 2024. Northshore was represented by 25 leaders, students, NSD staff, and school board directors. They traveled to Olympia to meet with legislative representatives and senators and advocate for our students and schools.
After the meeting was adjourned, membership was invited to join Co-VP's of Advocacy Terra Droney & Holly Muenchow to discuss how to continue the advocating momentum after Focus Day.
We hope to see you at our next March 18, 2024 at 7PM via Zoom. Register for Zoom meeting link.
Northshore Council PTSA is seeking two or more local PTA/PTSA leaders to collaborate in researching and crafting a new Council grant focused on promoting equity within PTAs across the district. This grant will be in addition to our current grant program. Council's Co-VP of Advocacy, Holly M. will be leading the committee. Council would like to appoint members of the committee at its next board meeting on February 05, 2024.
If you are interested in learning more or ready to sign up, please contact Council President, Rachel Fitzgerald.
Please join us at our next General Membership Meeting on Tuesday, January 16, 2024.
Northshore Council PTSA General Meeting Tuesday, January 16, 2024 6:30 PM Meet & Greet 7 PM Meeting Begins Register for Zoom Meeting Link: Agenda:
Questions? Email Council President, Rachel Fitzgerald at [email protected].
Save the Date - View calendar of future meeting dates.
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Art Docent
Bonds & Levies
Candidates Forum
Coffee With Council
Council Committee
Council Office Hours
Council Programs
E Prep
Family Engagement
Focus Day
Focus Week
Legislative Assembly
Local PTAs
Mental Health
Nominating Committee
Northshore PTAs
Northshore School District
Parent Education
Pta Leaders
PTA Training
Public Comment
Region 6
Special Education
Spring Recognition
Spring Recognition Breakfast
Staff Appreciation
Standards Of Excellence