ParentSquare and School Newsletter Communication
District's Disclaimer on Flyers
Flyers must include the District's disclaimer printed on the top of the flyer in 10 pt. font:
Please join us at our next General Membership Meeting on Tuesday, January 16, 2024.
Council meetings will build your PTA knowledge, give you the opportunity to network with other PTA, school district and community leaders, and they can be a lot of fun, too. Each PTA may send up to 4 voting representatives - but we encourage ALL who are interested to attend. We look forward to seeing you there!
Questions? Email Council President, Rachel Fitzgerald at [email protected]. Save the Date - View calendar of future meeting dates. Wondering how you can make a difference in school funding? Join Council's Co-VPs of Advocacy, Terra Droney and Holly Muenchow to learn about Focus Week (Jan. 15-19) and discuss how to advocate for school funding at the state level. Join Us for Focus on Advocacy Day - Monday, January 15, 2024 in Olympia! Register and find more information here.
Questions? Email Council's Co-VPs of Advocacy, Terra Droney and Holly Muenchow at [email protected]. Actions You Can Do Now:
WSPTA members and students are invited to put on their "PTA Blue" and join us IN PERSON in Olympia to advocate for children and schools with elected officials. Gather in the Columbia room with us to network and hear speakers. We will also be offering docent-led tours of the Capitol grounds. The event is from 9:00 am – 2:30 pm. The agenda with speakers listed will be added here in Eventbrite and in the Focus on Advocacy newsletter when it is available. More details and information can be found on the Focus on Advocacy webpage. More on Advocacy:
We're thrilled to announce that Northshore Council PTSA and its members have voted to endorse the Innovation Lab High School (ILHS) Climate Action Club Resolution: W.A.D.E. (Washington State Declaring The Climate Emergency).
Read ILHS Climate Action Club's Proposal and Resolution: W.A.D.E. (Washington State Declaring The Climate Emergency) on the club's webpage.
Join the Northshore Council Executive Team and make a difference in your community! Now is your chance to take your involvement to the next level and become a leader in the Northshore Council PTSA. Northshore Council PTSA is made up of volunteers from our Local PTAs and community that have chosen to use their skills to assist our community. The Nominating Committee is seeking interested candidates for Northshore Council PTSA's 2024-2025 Executive team. Positions include:
Learn more about the job description for each position as well as qualification requirements below. Nominate Yourself or Someone passionate about education, dedicated to our community today!
Nominations are due by January 31, 2024. Questions? Contact Council's Nominating Committee at [email protected] Qualification Requirements Per the 2023-2024 Council Standing Rules: All Candidates:
Brief Job Descriptions of Council Positions For a more detailed job description, click here. President: The President has many important jobs including serving as the official contact, communicator and representative of Council. They oversee and coordinate the work of the executive board, preside over meetings, are ex-officio members of all committees (except Nominating Committee) and are designated as an authorized signer for checks, contracts and authorizations for payment. But, most importantly, they work to connect PTAs which in turn helps them support families, schools and the community to work towards overall student success. 1st VP: Must be familiar with the Council president’s duties and responsibilities. Act as an aide to the president and perform the duties of the president in his or her absence. Is in charge of advertising and organizing the Council Grant Program and yearly Awards. Treasurer: Is the authorized custodian of the funds of the association and receives and disburses all monies in accordance with the budget as approved by the membership. Secretary: Keeps an accurate record of meetings, which become part of the permanent history of the PTA. Also responsible for taking attendance and monitoring quorum at meetings. VP of Events: Plans and coordinates Councils yearly events including Presidents and Principals Brunch, Reflections Celebration and Spring Recognition Event. VP of Communications: Works to facilitate Northshore Council PTSA communications in order to inform, engage, educate and inspire local PTAs and beyond. VP of Advocacy: Help to educate local PTA's and disseminate information about current WSPTA and National PTA legislative priorities. VP of Elementary Support: Act as a conduit of information for local elementary PTAs. Helps to answer questions local PTA's may have and works to recognize and celebrate local PTA's. VP of Secondary Support: Act as a conduit of information for local secondary (high school and middle school) PTAs. Helps to answer questions local PTA's may have and works to recognize and celebrate local PTA's. Questions? Contact Council's Nominating Committee at [email protected]
Reflections Update: Save Entries, Join the Reception Planning Committee, and Theme Winners Announced12/5/2023
Important Notice: Save Your Entries Thank you for submitting all the entries! We loved witnessing the beautiful interpretations of the theme from the students. Please take note that we will be hosting an in-person celebration on March 14, 2024, and we kindly request participants save all their entries. This is especially crucial for visual art and photography submissions. More details about the mounting of the artwork and printing requirements will be shared soon to ensure we can display all the wonderful creations. Stay tuned for further information! * Save the Date: Reflections Reception * Thursday, March 14, 2024 - In-Person Celebration! Join our Reflections Reception Planning Committee (Meetings will start in January 2024) Be part of the excitement - our first Reflections Reception in person since 2019! We'll need lots of hands in organizing this very special event to honor our Northshore School District Artists. Email Council's VP of Events, Melissa Quinonez Bennett, at [email protected] to be included in the Zoom meeting email. Message from WSPTA Reflections WSPTA Reflections Theme Search Winners This year WSPTA had over 45 Reflections theme search entries. The judges selected the following students' theme ideas to advance to the National level for a chance at being the winner of the 2025-26 Reflections theme.
Northshore Council PTSA Reflections Co-Chairs: Jasmine Lee Fry and Foram Shah
January 2025
Northshore Council PTSA is a welcoming organization that works to support our Local PTAs and serve the children and youth of our community through advocacy, collaboration, education, engagement, leadership, and mentorship.