Questions that just can't wait? Email your VP's of Support!
Sorenson, NFP, and Elementary PTAs: Jennifer Drury and Jenn Snyder NSEC & Secondary PTAs: Rachel Fitzgerald Northshore Council will provide Online Meeting Hosting for local PTAs/PTSAs this 2024 - 2025 school year!Online Meeting Hosting can be used by any local PTA/PTSA that wants Council to host a Zoom meeting for them. Please note that max number of attendees is 100 and that this service is offered on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Here is how it works:
Questions? Contact us! You are welcome to attend one or all sessions! |
Monday, August, 12, 2024
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM 🏝 Thursday, August 29, 2024 Topic: Changes to Standing Rules 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM **Office Hours on Thursday, August 29th, will be focused on Standing Rule Changes due to recently voted in WSPTA Bylaws.** Register for Zoom Link: |
If you have questions and need to connect with Council prior to this, please visit our Contact Page for a list Council Officers and their emails.
Need to update a link? Email [email protected]
With the transition from memberplanet to Givebacks we know some of our local PTAs will be making changes to their websites. Please verify Council has your PTA's most up-to-date online join link, website, and social media pages listed on our website. Council will be promoting membership this coming year by including all Northshore PTAs online join links on our website here! An online join link is a valuable tool for PTAs to use to help people easily become members of PTA. Make your join link clear, and easy to find on the front page of your website. |
NSD Back to School Resource Fair in August at Pop Keeney.
Q: What do you do if you cannot find a candidate for a position?

- Be sure to market your PTA! Let your community know what your PTA is doing to support them, the school and the students. The more they know about you, the more likely they will want to join your awesome team.
- Reach out to incoming families! If you are a secondary school, reach out to your feeder school PTA’s to put the word out that you are looking for recommendations for nominations. If you are an elementary school, consider reaching out to families of incoming kindergarteners. Consider hosting Kindergarten Summer Playdates to get to know new families.There’s no better way to get to know a school and its administration than volunteering for a PTA position!
- Hold an “Open House” type event. Whether virtual or in-person, this type of event is great for introducing people to your PTA and answering questions about PTA elected positions and their functions.
- Make a personal ask. Do you know someone who you think would be great? Reach out to them and have a one to one conversation about why you think they would be the perfect fit.
- Advertise your search for candidates EVERYWHERE! Put it on your website, put it in your newsletter, post about it on all your social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, etc.), send an email directly to your members, or even send snail mail (like a postcard) to your members. If you are looking for a school directory to help you connect to the families in your school, contact Council's Secretary to request one.
- If there is an open position on your slate of candidates, you can leave that position vacant. At an in-person meeting, the president will ask if there are any nominations from the floor. In the case of a virtual election, there will be a period of time allowed for self nominations prior to the membership meeting that mimic the function of “nominations from the floor”. Someone may step forward.
- Consider whether you have enough time to continue your search. Can you send out another call for recommendations for nominations?
- If a position remains open, it is possible, depending on what is stated in your Standing Rules, for your Board of Directors to appoint a person into that position in the interim. The search for a candidate can continue with the hopes that someone can be elected at the next membership meeting.
- If you have some officers willing to stay on as interim, try again at the beginning of the next school year. People may be willing to jump into something new in September than at the end of a long school year when they’re looking forward to summer break.
At the Last Meetings...
- New idea: Consider updating your budget to allow for 2024-2025 membership pre-sales so that members can renew or buy memberships over the summer!
- Recruit candidates for non-elected board and chair positions.
- Give your team a deadline for submitting their reimbursable expenses to the treasurer so books can be closed on June 30.
- Appoint your Financial Review Team. (A financial review is required by your PTA insurance and should be completed soon after books close on June 30).
- Enter New Officer Information into memberplanet. Tutorial here.
- Update Admins (if needed) into memberplanet.
- Confirm your PTA is reporting the correct number of members into memberplanet.
- Download a year-end member roster from Memberplanet for your PTA records. FAQ here. *scroll down the page to find the link
- Register New leaders with Council. (complete form here).
- Take training for WSPTA’s New Database - givebacks. More info here.
Planning for a NEW Team!

- Hold transition meetings for outgoing and incoming board members.
- Give new leaders access to digital or hard files (reset passwords on July 1st).
- Set dates for your summer retreat.
- Review and update policies. Check out Council’s policies here.
- Plan your Fall membership drive.
- Encourage new officers to take training over the Summer! There are basic online trainings on the Washington State PTA website.
- Share all the ways the incoming board can connect with Council.
- Plan for your NSD facility use requests for 2024-2025.
- Designate one Board member as your PTA/PTSA contact for facilities and email [email protected] with the new contact information.
We would love to shine the spotlight on your 2023-2024 PTA award winners! | Does your PTA give out a Golden Acorn award? Maybe an Outstanding Educator, or an Outstanding Advocate award? Or more? Please share with us this year's recipient(s) by completing this form. We would like to create a list of all of our local PTA award winners to share with the community. These volunteers deserve to be celebrated!!! If possible, please let us know your award winners by Friday, May 31st so they can be celebrated in our last eNews of the school year! Questions? Contact Jenn Snyder at [email protected]. |
WSPTA has a formal volunteer award recognition program allowing local PTAs to award honors for outstanding educator, advocate, student advocate, and volunteer (Golden Acorn), as well as the honorary life membership award.
Local PTAs should appoint an awards committee who will gather nominations, review them, and choose the award recipients. This can be done during a meeting or some PTAs even choose to have the previous year's award recipients chair this committee. Check your Standing Rules as it may say who is on the committee. When the awards committee advertises for nomination submissions, it can be done via social media, newsletters, website, email, or even school flyers. To make it even easier for members to submit nominations, the awards committee can create an online submission form using tools like Google Forms or Survey Monkey.
For recognizing the award recipients, your PTA can hold a volunteer recognition event or take time during a Membership Meeting to celebrate them. WSPTA offers a variety of items your PTA can order online to celebrate your award recipients including certificates, pins, plaques, and even yard signs!
- Golden Acorn – presented to volunteer(s) in recognition of their dedication and service to children and youth in your community.
- Outstanding Advocate – Honors individuals for their continued and dedicated service to ALL children demonstrating a commitment to speaking up for children in the areas relating to health, welfare, safety, and education of children and youth.
- Honorary Life Membership – Recognizes an individual who has contributed significantly to a PTA at the local unit, council, or state level. This special award can be given by a PTA unit, council, or region.
- Outstanding Student Advocate Award - Recognizes students who have made significant contributions through leadership and service in their school and community.
- Outstanding Educator – Individuals who go beyond the normal expectations of their jobs to make the learning environment fun, beneficial and challenging.
Please join us for our last membership meeting of the school year on Monday, Monday, May 20, 2024 via Zoom! Northshore Council PTSA General Meeting Monday, May 20, 2024 6:30 PM Meet & Greet 7 PM Meeting Begins Register for Zoom Meeting Link: Meeting Agenda:
Update 5/14/24: Second Notice of Election - Co-VP of Events The slated candidate is as follows: Co-VP of Events: Ashley Russell Please be advised that no nominations were received for the position of VP of Communications, VP of Elementary Support, or VP of Secondary Support. Council will continue to seek volunteers for these roles with the goal of holding an election for it at a future General Membership Meeting. Virtual nominations for these positions closed on Wednesday, May 08, 2024. Since the position of Co-VP of Events was not contested, the election will be held by voice vote at the General Meeting on Monday, May 20, 2024, at 7 PM. |
Questions? Email Council President, Rachel Fitzgerald at [email protected].
Missed a meeting? Read a recap of the meeting.

List of WSPTA Membership Growth Award Recipients (as of 12/31/23).
BronzeMoorlands Elementary PTA
Woodin Elementary PTA The Bronze Award recognizes local PTAs, in good standing, for enrolling at least one more member than their previous year’s total membership. |
SilverCrystal Springs Elementary PTA
North Creek High School PTSA Woodinville High School PTSA The Silver Award recognizes local PTAs, in good standing, for enrolling PTA members equaling at least 105% of their previous year’s total membership. |
Kokanee Elementary PTA
Northshore Middle School PTSA
Ruby Bridges Elementary PTSA
It's never too late to grow your PTA membership. WSPTA has a few membership contests coming up to incentivize membership.
- Student Membership: Deadline March 14
- Spring into Membership: Deadline April 30
Council's Membership page - Find more tips and links to past articles.
WSPTA Membership page - Membership resources and leadership guides available.
Contact Council's Membership Co-Chairs, Kimberly Ortiz and Allison Torgesen
The winning PTA from our Donut Forget to Complete Your SOA Contest was randomly selected at our General Membership Meeting on March 18, 2024.
Congratulations Woodin PTA! Your PTA was selected to receive donuts for your next PTA Board Meeting.
SHOUT OUT to the following PTAs for submitting your completed SOA forms for the contest:
- Fernwood Elementary PTSA
- Frank Love Elementary PTA
- Innovation Lab High School PTSA
- Lockwood Elementary PTA
- Leota Middle School PTSA
- Northshore Special Education Community PTSA
Win Donuts for Your Next
We want to encourage all our local PTAs to complete their Standards of Affiliation (SOA) Checklist so we are raffling off Donuts!
How to Enter: Snap a picture of your PTA's completed Standards of Affiliation (SOA) form and upload it to the entry form. Once submitted, you will be entered into a drawing to win donuts for your next board meeting (up to 3 dozen). Entries due by 6pm on Monday, March 18, 2024. Who is Eligible? All local Northshore PTA/PTSAs When Will Winners Be Announced? Winners will be announced at our next General Membership Meeting on Monday, March 18 at 7pm. Join the zoom early for Meet & Greet at 6:30pm. |
It is a checklist of 13 items that every PTA should do annually. Completing this checklist will help local PTAs ensure their independent nonprofit business remains current with all IRS, state, insurance, and PTA requirements. We encourage you to include your entire board of directors in this work, to keep your membership up to date with your progress, and to record progress in meeting minutes.
- SOA Checklist (
Questions? Email [email protected]
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Art Docent
Bonds & Levies
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Council Committee
Council Office Hours
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E Prep
Family Engagement
Focus Day
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Legislative Assembly
Local PTAs
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Nominating Committee
Northshore PTAs
Northshore School District
Parent Education
Pta Leaders
PTA Training
Public Comment
Region 6
Special Education
Spring Recognition
Spring Recognition Breakfast
Staff Appreciation
Standards Of Excellence