Middle School Gym Night is a FREE event just for Northshore School District middle school students! Middle schoolers can drop-in to shoot some hoops or play other fun games, hang with friends and enjoy a slice of pizza. Starting on January 7, 2019, the program will be offered on Monday nights from 5:00 - 6:15pm, during the school year (except holidays/breaks), at the Frank Love Elementary gym.
Canyon Park Middle School PTSA is partnering with local businessman Pete Anthony ("Uncle Peteza") to bring this exclusively-for-middle-schoolers program back. If the program sounds familiar, it is! Back in the day, it was known as "Junior High Gym Night." This award winning program ran successfully for 20 years and served, on average, about 20-25 kids each Monday night that it was offered. Volunteers became mentors to the kids. Many of those kids would return when they were older to visit and check in. It gave them a place to hang out, have fun, a chance to be responsible and have a guaranteed meal. Pete worked out the logistics of the program. He had a detailed list of the rules that would be in place. The program used to be run in conjunction with Bothell Parks and Recreation, with help from Bothell Fire & EMS, but budget cuts and loss of employees forced them to cancel the program. Pete believes strongly in this program and CPMS PTSA is so happy to help him bring it back. Middle School Gym Night will work the same as it has in the past. Please consider advertising this program to your families and students. Organizers are not sure what to expect as the program gets up and running again. Mostly, it seemed that the program (in its past incarnation) was frequented by kids that were within walking distance of Frank Love, but it was always advertised to all kids. So, we'll see what happens! If any families are interested in volunteering to help out at Middle School Gym Night, please visit the sign-up on the Canyon Park Middle School PTSA website: https://cpptsa.org/ways-to-help/volunteer-sign-ups/?sheet_id=146. Questions? Contact Canyon Park Middle School PTSA Presidents, Jane Chiodo and Kerri Booth. ![]() Are you interested in making your voice heard??? During the Washington State Legislative Sessions, Washington State PTA will send action alerts and informational broadcasts to WSPTA members who have subscribed to WSPTA's Action Network Group. These action alerts are quick, easy ways to communicate with our legislators on topics they are actively working on that relate to WSPTA's legislative platform. You can sign up here: https://actionnetwork.org/forms/subscribe-to-wsptas-action-network-group. ![]() At our November 5, 2018 General Membership Meeting, we heard an informative and inspiring call to action from speaker JMarie Johnson-Cola regarding Family & Community Engagement (FACE). Each child must be supported by, not only parents and teachers, but extended families, school districts, neighbors and community members to help them realize their full potential. Handouts included an example of a Family Engagement Action Plan Template as well as a quote from the Carnegie Corporation of New York regarding what it takes to meet the challenge of FACE:
In her talk, JMarie mentioned a number of resources to help inform Family and Community Engagement best practices. Here are a few of the ones she mentioned: Books & Articles:
Course Modules for FACE:
PowerPoint Presentation:
Congratulations to the 10 Northshore PTAs that have won WSPTA Membership growth awards so far this year!
PLATINUM award winners have increased membership 20% over last year: ⭐ Bear Creek Elementary PTA ⭐ Moorlands PTA ⭐ Shelton View PTA GOLD award winners have increased membership 10% over last year: ⭐ Canyon Park Middle PTSA ⭐ Sorenson PTA BRONZE award winners have increased membership by at least 1 more member over last year: ⭐ Canyon Creek PTA ⭐ East Ridge PTA ⭐ Fernwood PTSA ⭐ Lockwood PTA ⭐ Timbercrest Middle PTSA Keep up the amazing work!!! Remember that membership is year-round and these awards are ongoing. If your PTA has earned an award-- keep the momentum going and work toward the next level. And if your PTA isn't there yet-- keep at it and continue building awareness because every member counts! If you have membership questions, are looking for ideas or need support, please contact our Council Membership Chairs, Sherry Rudolph and Mary Khouzam. They are here to help! Awards season is nearly upon us! Has your PTA considered applying for one or more of the Washington State PTA Awards of Excellence??? You are all doing GREAT work for your students, so you should participate!!! There are some great benefits to applying for these awards:
Available awards include:
Find more information about awards at the WSPTA website: https://www.wastatepta.org/events-programs/awards/excellence/
Deadline is March 1st 2019. Please reach out to your Council VP if you want help or guidance in applying:
We encourage you to consider applying for one or more of these awards! Want to become more involved in Council by being on the 2019/20 Executive Committee? Great! The Nominating Committee would love to hear from you. Positions open for nominations include:
All positions, except Treasurer, may be held jointly by two people. Nominees must be at least 18 years of age and a current member of at least one local PTA within Northshore Council PTSA. Nominees for the office of President need to have two years of elected experience on Northshore Council, or have served as President of a local PTA for at least one year and have one year of serving in an elected position on Council or higher.
For more information about any of these roles, the nominating process, or if you would like to make a nomination, please contact one of our Nominating Committee members: Thank you, and we look forward to hearing from you! ![]() On November 7, 2018, Northshore Council PTSA and Northshore School District, in partnership with the American Lung Association, hosted a community presentation: "Tobacco use is changing, are you keeping up?" The presentation offering information about the changing face of tobacco products, how they are affecting youth and what you need to know to educate and protect our children from what the FDA has called an epidemic among teens. The event was live streamed and the recording is now available for viewing: https://livestream.com/nsd/events/8437754?fbclid=IwAR0tCaFDWeSQG6diTjzib7Yf3dDTkvGxvsI0mui3SWWd66sCHx-MzZSeboA Thank you to all who made time to attend Northshore Council PTSA's general meeting on November 5, 2018. It was an informative and inspiring meeting! We are pleased to announce our 2019 Nominating Committee!
Northshore Council has awarded Educational Speaker and Event Grants to five local PTAs so far. Congratulations to Leota, Woodmoor, Canyon Park, Skyview and Bothell High. The next deadline for receiving grant applications is November 26, 2018. Please visit the Speaker and Event Grants page for details and to download the application. Sue Freeman shared an update on the Northshore Community Kitchen project. This program will be evolving over the next year as facilities go offline at Carol Edwards Center and new partnerships are forged in the community. They will continue preparing meals for families in our community through March. Jane Chiodo delivered an update on Threads and Treads, a district-wide clothing bank for Northshore families that is operated out of Canyon Park Middle School. There are currently about 200 families using this service. Threads and Treads is looking for a new program leader. Visit their website for additional information and volunteer opportunities. We heard reports from district leaders, including School Board Director Amy Cast, NSD Partnerships and Volunteer Coordinator Natalie Campbell, and Northshore Schools Foundation Executive Director Carmin Dalziel. Each shared information, updates and answered questions about recent projects and current initiatives. Sam Ames and Aileen Hammar presented an update on the work of the NSD Dyslexia Committee. The committee is charged to develop a model for proactively identifying, instructing, and assessing all students learning to read, which will reduce the number of students needing additional supports and structures not inclusive of general education. They shared an informative TED Talk presentation, "What is Dyslexia", that offered background about the learning disorder. They followed that up with a PowerPoint presentation that was shared with the School Board at its October 8th meeting. For more information about NSD's Dyslexia Committee, visit their page on the district website. Finally, we heard an informative and inspiring call to action from speaker JMarie Johnson-Cola regarding Family & Community Engagement (FACE). Each child must be supported by, not only parents and teachers, but extended families, school districts, neighbors and community members to help them realize their full potential. For more information about FACE and PTA, check out WSPTA's website. Council meetings are a great way to network with other PTA leaders and learn about what is happening in the district, the state and the PTA. We hope you'll join us at our next general membership meeting on: Monday, January 7, 2019 NSD Administration Bldg. Meet & Greet: 6:30 pm Call to Order: 7:00 pm ANNOUNCEMENTS:
![]() The application deadline for the second round of Northshore Council PTSA's new Speaker & Event Grants is Monday, November 26th! Local PTAs/PTSAs interested in partnering with Northshore Council PTSA to host speakers or events may apply for a Northshore Council PTSA Educational Speaker and Events Grant. 2018-19 grants are funded through our Council Programs budget and are offered on a first-come, first-serve basis. Applications will be reviewed by the Northshore Council PTSA on a bi-monthly basis until the Council Programs budget is used in its entirety. To apply, complete the application and return to Northshore Council PTSA by the submission deadline. Check out the Speaker & Events Grant page for a list of all submission and review dates. Download the application: NORTHSHORE COUNCIL PTSA GRANT REQUEST FOR EDUCATIONAL SPEAKERS AND EVENTS Questions? Please email [email protected]. ![]() Threads & Treads provides Northshore families free, quality donated clothing for school-age youth, teens, young adults and parents. Clothing items include appropriate clothing for the school day and special events, sportswear, shoes and accessories. All Northshore families in need of clothing assistance are welcome to shop each month for up to three outfits. Currently, there are over 200 families accessing this resource! Threads & Treads is housed at Canyon Park Middle School and is supported by its PTSA. For more information on this incredible program, including how to get involved or donate, visit this link: https://cpptsa.org/programs-activities/threads-treads/ Threads & Treads is always looking for volunteers to help sort and stock or to help during shopping hours. Youth volunteers are welcome! Visit the CPMS PTSA Volunteer Sign-Ups webpage to sign up: https://cpptsa.org/ways-to-help/volunteer-sign-ups/ Longtime T&T organizer, Eileen Jowell, will be stepping down from her leadership position at the end of this school year. We are looking for someone who is passionate and committed to step up to lead this important community resource! Contact Eileen Jowell for more information. Download the Threads & Treads flier: |
February 2025
Northshore Council PTSA is a welcoming organization that works to support our Local PTAs and serve the children and youth of our community through advocacy, collaboration, education, engagement, leadership, and mentorship.