Please join us for our second general membership meeting of the year on Monday, November 16, 2020 via Zoom.
In addition to our regular business items, we’ll also be holding elections for our 2020-2021 Nominating Committee (See Notice of Election Post). Additionally, Dr. Michelle Reid, Northshore School District Superintendent, will be joining us for a brief Q&A session during this meeting! Topic: Northshore Council PTSA November General Meeting Time: Nov 16, 2020 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 913 1070 8539 Passcode: *Available upon request. One tap mobile +12532158782,,91310708539# US (Tacoma) +16699009128,,91310708539# US (San Jose) Dial by your location +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) Meeting ID: 913 1070 8539 Find your local number: Council meetings will build your PTA knowledge, give you the opportunity to network with other PTA, school district and community leaders, and they can be a lot of fun, too. Each PTA may send up to 4 voting representatives - but we encourage ALL who are interested to attend. We look forward to seeing you there! *A meeting passcode is required to join. It will be sent to local leaders via email. You can also request the passcode by emailing Council PTSA Communications VP, Rachel Fitzgerald. ![]() In lieu of an in-person Candidates Forum for the upcoming November election, Northshore Council PTSA has created a virtual forum where education-related questions were gathered from Northshore community members and then compiled along with candidate responses. Check out our Northshore Candidate Forum 2020 below to learn where the Northshore candidates stand on education issues important to you! Click here to download and print. Northshore Council PTSA does not endorse candidates and these responses have been provided for information purposes only. ![]() Not yet registered to vote? There's still time! Online registration continues through October 26, and the deadline for in person voter registration or updates is November 3rd. Register to vote online at Council welcomes your feedback and questions! Please contact Northshore Council VP of Advocacy, Diana Christiansen at [email protected].
Join us for a special Monday Night Roundtable focusing on Reflections!
This roundtable is designed to support our local PTA/PTSA leaders as with any questions they may have about the Reflections Program. Date: Monday, October 26th Time: 7:00PM Location: Online via Zoom Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 992 5779 6923 Passcode: *Available upon request Northshore Council PTSA is proud to announce the recipient in our first round of Educational Speakers & Community Events Grants for 2020-2021!
Local PTAs/PTSAs interested in partnering with Northshore Council PTSA to host speakers or events may apply for a Northshore Council PTSA Educational Speakers and Community Events Grant. 2020-2021 grants are offered on a first-come, first-serve basis and applications will be reviewed by the Northshore Council PTSA until the Council Programs budget is used in its entirety. The submission deadline for the next round of Educational Speakers & Community Events Grants is November 27th, 2020. For more information about the program and to download the application, visit our Educational Speakers and Community Events Grant Program page. Help us plan for our future! Northshore Council PTSA is seeking three (3) volunteers to serve on its 2020-21 Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee is a special committee that holds the key to a successful PTSA. It is responsible for presenting the best qualified candidates to serve as the elected officers who will lead Northshore Council PTSA in 2021-22. Effective candidates for nominating committee: • Are familiar with the needs and goals of Northshore Council PTSA. • Are enthusiastic about the mission, vision, and goals of Northshore Council PTSA. • Are willing to work and devote considerable time to furthering the purposes and programs of Northshore Council PTSA. • Possess tact, integrity, discretion, and the ability to hold their own counsel. • Have the courage to express their ideas and defend their convictions • Demonstrate sound judgment and skill in evaluating potential nominees. • Are capable of understanding and maintaining complete confidentiality. • Represent the diversity that is present in the community and student population. • Should be elected on merit and ability – never on popularity. ![]() Members of the nominating committee are eligible to become nominees for elected office. No person may serve on this committee for more than two consecutive one-year terms. A candidate for the local PTA nominating committee must be a member of the local PTA for at least 15 days preceding their election. For a council nominating committee, the candidate must be a member of a local PTA in the council for at least 15 days preceding their election. If you are interested in serving on Northshore Council PTSA’s 2020-21 Nominating Committee, please contact Robin Zaback by Friday, October 30th. First Notice of Election:
Due to public meeting limitations, 2020-21 Nominating Committee elections will be taking place electronically. We are currently accepting self-nominations for the three Nominating Committee positions now through Friday, October 30th. Interested candidates can self-nominate by emailing Robin Zaback. If there are only three candidates, elections will be held at the November 16th General Meeting via Zoom. If there are more than three candidates, election will be conducted by electronic ballot and detailed information will be available within the second notice of election on November 1. ![]() Insurance renewal notices from AIM insurance have started to arrive! Remember to review coverage with your board before paying the premium. Please note that premium payments are due before the end of November. WSPTA Recommendations for Insurance include:
Also be sure to add Northshore School District as an additional insured and request the endorsement from AIM when you renew - they do not automatically send that each year. NSD requires an updated copy of the form each year by December. If your PTA does not submit the updated endorsement, you risk cancellation of existing facility reservations and will be unable to make new requests until they have updated insurance paperwork. Renewing with Additional Insured and Endorsement
There are two ways to request an Additional Insured with endorsement: (1) If you have not yet renewed, when applying for insurance online, choose to add the Additional Insured and add: Northshore School District 3330 Monte Vista Parkway Bothell, WA 98021 In the description request put: “Please send Endorsement with certificate.” You will be emailed a copy of your Insurance and the Additional Insured certificates. A copy of both of these then need to be forwarded to Vanessa Greek at the NSD office. (2) If you have already renewed but did not submit the request with the AI information at renewal, fill out the Additional Insured Request Form. Make sure you put on the request that you need an “Endorsement with certificate”. Then send the form to [email protected]. Once you have both certificates, send a copy of each to Vanessa Greek at the NSD office. For questions, contact AIM toll free at 1-800-876-4044. Join us virtually on October 21st at 6:30PM for this upcoming Parent Education event: Parenting on the Same Page! Guest Speakers, Kira Dorrian and Deana Thayer, co-founders of Future Focused Parenting, aim to support parents and caregivers doing the best they can to create a safe loving environment for their children, where everyone works together as a team. This presentation is for any parent or caregiver that wants to thrive rather than just survive throughout their parenting journey. This session helps families get on the same page with their parenting partner or other adults in their children’s lives. Learn strategies for communication, preparing for parenting curveballs, and how to parent with unity even when you disagree. Presentation includes a Q&A for attendees. Talking points of this presentation include:
Register to attend at: Zoom link will be emailed to those who have registered before the event. Note: A Spanish translator will be available during the presentation. Email [email protected] if you would like to utilize this service so we can connect you with the translator before the presentation begins, or if you would like to request translation in another language. Acompañenos por Zoom para nuestro primer evento de KEPTA Parent Education, organizado junto con Northshore Council PTSA! Nuestros oradores invitados desean apoyar a padres y guardianes que quieren crear un ambiente seguro y cariñoso para sus hijos, en el cual todos trabajan como un equipo unido. Parenting on the Same Page (Criando Niños Juntos) Miercoles, el 21 de Octubre de 6:30pm a 8:00pm (incluyendo preguntas y respuestas) Antes del evento, conozcan a nuestros oradores: Kira Dorrian, CHt, HBCE y Deana Thayer, M.Ed. El enlace de Zoom se enviará antes del evento. Un traductor de español estará presente durante el evento. Por favor envíe un correo electronico antes del evento si le gustaría estar asignado al traductor para el evento. Si su PTA está interesada en compartir con su comunidad la grabación de esta presentación, por favor comuníquese con este correo electrónico para obtener una licencia. This event is co-sponsored by Northshore Council PTSA and Kenmore Elementary PTA. ![]()
![]() Mental health issues related to our lockdown and pandemic are difficult for everyone but especially hard for people with depression or who suffer from drug or alcohol abuse. According to an article by the American Medical Association, there has been an increase in drug overdoses during this period. The CDC reported that symptoms of anxiety disorder and depressive disorder increased considerably in the United States during April–June of 2020, compared with the same period in 2019. Below you will find articles with additional information and resources to help if you or someone you know are struggling. Article from HCP Live: Covid-10 Lockdown Having an Impact on Adolescent Mental Health
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI): Covid-19 Information & Resources (including NAMI Crisis Helpline) Mental Health Coping Strategies during Coronavirus Suicide Prevention Lifeline: Article on Coping During Community Unrest 24/7 Online Chat & Phone Numbers Crisis Text Line Be #HealthyAtHome with Tips from the World Health Organization (WHO) Resources from Northshore School District including Mental Health Providers in both King & Snohomish counties. ![]() Threads & Treads provides Northshore families free, quality donated clothing for school age youth, teens, young adults and parents. Clothing items include: school-appropriate clothing for the school day and special events, sportswear, shoes, and accessories. All NSD families in need of clothing assistance are welcome to shop each month for 3 outfits and school event attire. They are open weekly each Wednesday afternoon from 3-6pm. Click here for shopping guidelines to accommodate social distancing protocols. Please consider helping to spread the word about this Northshore community resource via your PTA communication channels! Threads & Treads Needs Volunteers! They can only have adult volunteers at this time. Visit this link to sign-up today:
Threads & Treads Needs Donations!
Threads & Treads Donation Wishes:
If you have any questions or would like information to provide to your school, please feel free to contact Kelly Hennessey at [email protected]. Thank you for your help in supporting this vital community resource! THIS PROGRAM IS COORDINATED AND SUPPORTED BY CANYON PARK MIDDLE SCHOOL PTSA. Attention all Emergency Preparedness (E-Prep) PTA Chairs
Join Council's E-Prep & Safety Co-Chairs, Robin McKenzie and Tracy Jokisch, for online training* on Oct. 6th @ 10am and Oct. 22nd @ 7pm. Topics to be covered during these trainings:
These trainings are open to all Northshore PTA/PTSA E-Prep Chairs (new or returning), Presidents or Vice-Presidents, and active members interested in Emergency Preparedness & Safety. Join the Zoom for Oct. 6th @ 10am. (Passcode is available upon request.) Join the Zoom for Oct. 22nd @ 7pm. (Passcode is available upon request.) *Note: This training is not an official WSPTA Approved Training and therefore cannot be used towards the training requirement listed in the SOA. |
February 2025
Northshore Council PTSA is a welcoming organization that works to support our Local PTAs and serve the children and youth of our community through advocacy, collaboration, education, engagement, leadership, and mentorship.