Last weekend, delegates from Northshore PTAs joined over 350 members to come together at the 43rd Annual WSPTA Legislative Assembly to learn, listen, debate and vote on additions to our grassroots legislative platform.
Three new resolutions and two amended resolutions were approved during the 2021 Legislative Assembly. New resolutions:
Amended resolutions:
The WSPTA Resolutions webpage has been updated with the titles of the new resolutions and are identifiable as either *new*, *amended*, or *retired*. WSPTA looks forward to seeing everyone next year for the 44th annual WSPTA Legislative Assembly where delegates will vote on a new Top 5 platform. Look for information this spring on how to submit a proposal on a topic that is important to you, your community, or your PTA! Please join us for our second general membership meeting of the year on Monday, November 15, 2021 via Zoom! In addition to our regular business items, we’ll also be holding elections for our 2021-2022 Nominating Committee (See First Notice of Election post). *UPDATED* Additionally, we will have THREE (3) special guest speakers during this meeting:
Council meetings will build your PTA knowledge, give you the opportunity to network with other PTA, school district and community leaders, and they can be a lot of fun, too. Each PTA may send up to 4 voting representatives - but we encourage ALL who are interested to attend. We look forward to seeing you there!
*A meeting passcode is required to join. It will be sent to local leaders via email. You can also request the passcode by emailing Council PTSA Communications VP, Rachel Fitzgerald. You are invited to join Council's next Emergency Preparedness (E-Prep) Chair meeting!
Anyone in PTA/PTSA is welcome to attend our meetings, and we encourage all local PTA/PTSA E-Prep chairs to attend as well as PTA/PTSA Presidents and/or Vice Presidents or delegates. In this meeting we share and obtain updates from the NSD Safety team and discuss opportunities where the PTA can provide support to our schools in the areas of emergency preparedness, safety, and security. Date: Tuesday, November 2nd Time: 11:00 AM to Noon, Pacific Time (US and Canada) Zoom Link & Passcode: Available upon request If you would like the zoom link and passcode in order to attend this meeting, or have questions concerning Emergency Preparedness, please email Council's E-Prep Co-Chairs, Tracy Jokisch & Robin McKenzie. We look forward to seeing you! Northshore Council PTSA will be holding Office Hours on Thursday, November 4th from 12:30PM to 1:30PM. This is the perfect time to connect with Council leaders to ask questions, brainstorm ideas, or even just to say hello. So grab your lunch or a latte and come hang out with Council!
This time is designed to support our local PTA/PTSA leaders as you continue to navigate membership, programs, and managing your organization for the 2021-2022 school year. We hope you will join us! Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 823 4838 6289 Passcode: Available upon request If you have questions and need to connect with Council prior to this, please visit our Contact Page for a list Council Officers and their emails. ![]() Due to public meeting limitations, Northshore Council PTSA's 2021-2022 Nominating Committee elections will be taking place electronically. We are currently accepting self-nominations for the three (3) Nominating Committee positions. Interested candidates can self-nominate by emailing Jane Chiodo by Friday, November 5th. Please note: You do not need to be a Northshore Council PTSA Officer to be on the Nominating Committee. We encourage any interested and qualified Northshore PTA/PTSA member to volunteer for this vital role that will help shape the future of Northshore Council PTSA! If there are only three candidates, the election will be held at the November 15th, 2021 General Membership Meeting via Zoom. If there are more than three candidates, the election will be conducted by electronic ballot and detailed information will be available within the second notice of election on November 8th, 2021. To learn more about serving on the Nominating Committee, eligibility requirements, or for more information on what makes an effective NomCom Candidate, click here. ![]() Today we celebrate Northshore PTAs & PTSAs!! We know Local Leaders have been working hard on their membership campaigns this year. And that hard work is paying off! So many of our Northshore PTAs/PTSAs have surpassed their membership numbers from last year and many more are not far behind. Watch the video below to share in the celebration of the membership growth all across the district! Additionally, several of our local PTAs & PTSAs have already earned a
Washington State PTA Membership Growth Award for this year. Don't miss out on our upcoming Emergency Preparedness (E-Prep) Trainings!
Council's E-Prep Co-Chairs, Tracy Jokisch and Robin McKenzie, will be hosting two (2) E-Prep Chair Trainings on Tuesday, October 19th - one at 11am and one at 7pm. Both will be held online via Zoom. Topics to be covered during these trainings:
These trainings are open to all Northshore PTA/PTSA E-Prep Chairs (new or returning), Presidents or Vice-Presidents, and active members interested in Emergency Preparedness & Safety. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 867 5428 9292 Passcode: *Available upon request Please Note: This training is not an official WSPTA Approved Training and therefore cannot be used towards the training requirement listed in the SOA. Northshore Council PTSA has a Mental Health Committee, and we want you!
We welcome all parents and guardians to join the conversation. The goal of this committee is to promote mental health awareness and partner to bring relevant trainings, events, and resources to our community. This is a new committee that we just started last school year. If you are interested in joining or learning more about the Mental Health Committee, please complete the Mental Health Committee Interest Form. We try to meet monthly; our next meeting is November 8th at 7pm via Zoom. Join us! ![]() What happens if you have a vacant officer position? If your nominating committee has had no luck finding a candidate to fill a position, if you have started the year with an empty officer position, or if one of your officers resigns from their position mid-year, here is the WSPTA recommended procedure that you should follow. NOTE: You do not have to create a nominating committee to find someone for this empty position! A nominating committee is only formed to find qualified nominees for the election that happens in the Spring for your next school year. Your executive committee can appoint a person to fill the vacant office. The appointed officer acts in an "interim" capacity until you can find a person that wants to step into the position in an official capacity and you can elect them OR until the appointed interim officer can be officially elected into their position at the next membership meeting. An interim officer at a local PTA/PTSA has no limitations on what they can/cannot do. An interim officer assumes all the rights and duties of that position. From the WSPTA Uniform Bylaws: If a vacancy occurs in a local PTA or council office, the executive committee may appoint a member to fill the vacancy until the next membership meeting. At the next membership meeting, nominations shall be made from the floor with the consent of the nominee. The election shall be by ballot vote. A majority vote is necessary to elect. The election may be by voice vote if only one candidate is nominated for an office. The newly elected officer shall immediately assume the duties of the office. To learn more about nominating committee, elections, and officer resignations or removals see:
If you are still have questions or are in need of guidance, please reach out to Council - we are here to help! Council is hosting two (2) Roundtables focusing on Reflections! Join us for one or both of these roundtables which are designed to support our local PTA/PTSA leaders with any questions they may have about the 2021-2022 Reflections Program.
Can't make it to the roundtable but still have questions? Check out these additional resources for help!
February 2025
Northshore Council PTSA is a welcoming organization that works to support our Local PTAs and serve the children and youth of our community through advocacy, collaboration, education, engagement, leadership, and mentorship.