You are welcome to attend one or all sessions! |
Monday, August, 12, 2024
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM 🏝 Thursday, August 29, 2024 Topic: Changes to Standing Rules 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM **Office Hours on Thursday, August 29th, will be focused on Standing Rule Changes due to recently voted in WSPTA Bylaws.** Register for Zoom Link: |
If you have questions and need to connect with Council prior to this, please visit our Contact Page for a list Council Officers and their emails.
The election will take place during the Northshore Council PTSA Membership Meeting on Monday, March 18, 2024. WSPTA Bylaws permit the nomination of candidates from the floor* before the vote takes place. *Nominations from the floor will be conducted through an online submission form prior to the meeting. Please refer to our post on Self-Declaring for 2024-2025 Elected Board Positions for more information.
Slate of Candidates:
In the 2024 Nominating Committee Report, the following slate of candidates were put forward for 2024-2025:
- For the Office of President: Grace Jurado
- For the Office of First Vice President: Diana Christiansen
- For the Office of Secretary: Christine Roehnelt
- For the Office of Treasurer: Brenae Brix
- For the Office of VP of Events: Melissa Bennett and OPEN
- For the Office of VP of Advocacy: Terra Droney and Holly Muenchow
- For the Office of VP of Communications: OPEN
- For the Office of VP of Elementary Support: OPEN
- For the Office of VP of Secondary Support: OPEN
The winning PTA from our Donut Forget to Complete Your SOA Contest was randomly selected at our General Membership Meeting on March 18, 2024.
Congratulations Woodin PTA! Your PTA was selected to receive donuts for your next PTA Board Meeting.
SHOUT OUT to the following PTAs for submitting your completed SOA forms for the contest:
- Fernwood Elementary PTSA
- Frank Love Elementary PTA
- Innovation Lab High School PTSA
- Lockwood Elementary PTA
- Leota Middle School PTSA
- Northshore Special Education Community PTSA
Win Donuts for Your Next
We want to encourage all our local PTAs to complete their Standards of Affiliation (SOA) Checklist so we are raffling off Donuts!
How to Enter: Snap a picture of your PTA's completed Standards of Affiliation (SOA) form and upload it to the entry form. Once submitted, you will be entered into a drawing to win donuts for your next board meeting (up to 3 dozen). Entries due by 6pm on Monday, March 18, 2024. Who is Eligible? All local Northshore PTA/PTSAs When Will Winners Be Announced? Winners will be announced at our next General Membership Meeting on Monday, March 18 at 7pm. Join the zoom early for Meet & Greet at 6:30pm. |
It is a checklist of 13 items that every PTA should do annually. Completing this checklist will help local PTAs ensure their independent nonprofit business remains current with all IRS, state, insurance, and PTA requirements. We encourage you to include your entire board of directors in this work, to keep your membership up to date with your progress, and to record progress in meeting minutes.
- SOA Checklist (
Questions? Email [email protected]
Awards work to celebrate the efforts of local PTAs and Councils in a variety of different areas. The criteria reflect a strong knowledge and application of best practices and the submission process can be rigorous. These awards are truly reflective of the dedication and strength of these PTAs and the powerful contributions they make to their communities.
This year's recipients included:
2022 - 2023 WSPTA Awards Recipients
Standards of Excellence for PTAs & Councils
Recognizing the effective use of WSPTA best practices as a guide for local PTAs and Councils to be child-focused, responsible to members, knowledgeable, fiscally responsible, involved, and well-trained.
Leadership Service Award
The purpose of this program is to recognize and acknowledge leadership skills attained by PTA leaders throughout all levels of the association
Outstanding Communication Strategy
Recognizing the effective use of multiple communication channels to reach members and community.
Outstanding Newsletter Recognizing the effective use of newsletters as a communication tool.
Outstanding Website Recognizing the effective use of websites as a communication tool
Council recommends local PTA leaders do two important things this summer:
A board retreat can be a powerful way to kick-start your PTA's new year. If fact, it can be such a powerful tool that Washington State PTA considers having one to be a PTA best practice |

- Get to know the members of your board
- Plan and strategize for the year
- Set expectations and responsibilities
- Energize and engage
- Create a shared vision
- Develop specific strategy or plans
- Provide social support
- Improve communication and cohesiveness
- Build trust
- Set aside ample time. A minimum of a half-day (4 hours) is recommended; a full day (8 hours) including a group social activity is even better. You can split the retreat into more than one session, if needed. Virtually, be mindful that it's hard to keep everyone's attention when sitting in front of a screen for long periods of time. Stopping for even a 5 minute stretch break can help regain everyone's focus.
- Get it on the calendar early. Summer plans can make it a challenge to find an effective date. Parents need time to arrange child care.
- Find and/or reserve a location. Get away from the school! Consider adult comfort, potential interruptions, access to restrooms, internet access, and other necessities. Virtual meetings mean online with participants each connecting from their home or office. Consider a platform and the technology that is most accessible to everyone you are meeting with when you plan your retreat.
- Trouble Shooting Technology. Many platforms offer a technical testing page to help resolve any issues before your meeting begins. If it's the first time using a particular online platform, test out the features you may want to use ahead of time, such as screen sharing, co-hosting, or closed captioning. Though many of us are familiar with online meetings these days, it can be helpful to have a step-by-step guide written out on how to join your meeting for anyone new to online meetings.
- Make it as mandatory as you can. Every person plays a role in the group's dynamic; even one person missing makes a difference.
- Engage with other board members to set a purpose for the retreat. Have them answer the following questions ahead of developing the agenda:
- This retreat will be successful for me if...
- This retreat will be successful for our PTA if...
- The 3 most important goals for this retreat should be...
- Share ideas for possible agenda items that would help us to meet the goals above
- Arrange for food and drinks. It doesn't need to be fancy, but keep folks fed and hydrated so that they can focus on the work. This can be part of your retreat budget. Ask about and accommodate dietary restrictions. Virtually you won't need to provide these items, but it's a great idea to remind your team to feel free to eat and drink so they can stay focused.
- Have a set-up and clean-up team.

- Include at least one “getting to know you” activity.
- Have name tags, if even one member of the group is new. For virtual meetings, ask that all participants use their correct name when signing into the meeting.
- For a virtual retreat, get everyone chatting with a whimsical poll - such as "does pineapple belong on pizza" or "what superpower would you want". is an easy tool to use for creating a live poll.
- Include a group social activity, such as a potluck or bowling. There are activities you can do to energize your online meeting as well.
The extended nature of a retreat means that a board can have time for conversations and discussions with more breadth and depth. Consider some of the following discussion areas and questions as you build your board retreat agenda:
- What norms do we want for our board? Consider creating your own Standards of Conduct (example from Council).
- Build your calendar (check both the Northshore School District Calendar and WA State PTA's Multicultural Calendar for conflicts)
- Develop a communication plan for the year
- Start planning your Membership Campaign
- Brainstorm
- Strengths of our PTA?
- Challenges of our PTA?
- Opportunities?
- How can we connect, welcome, and inspire our community?
- What do you want people to say about your PTA's achievements at the end of the year?
- How will you work together?
- What does success look like?
- What resources, training, or other outside help do we need to succeed?
Finally, remember that some of the most important work will happen after the retreat ends as ideas are put into action. Take time through the year to reflect and check-in with one another regarding discussions, action items, and progress toward goals.

- Summer Membership Planning Ideas - Check out our article from 2021 with ideas and tips from Council for planning your Membership Campaign.
- Council's Summer Office Hours - Join Council members online on Wednesday, July 13th between 12pm-1pm to ask us questions and get support!
- Online Meeting Hosting - Learn about this service which will be returning in 2022-2023 for any local PTA/PTSA that wants Council to host a Zoom meeting for them. More details coming in Fall of 2022.
- WSPTA Board Retreats Article
- WSPTA Leadership Guides - Handbooks for officers, running after school programs, advocacy, membership, FACE and more.
- WSPTA pre-recorded training webinars - Trainings on transitions, effective meetings, secretary, treasurer basics and more. Login credentials can be found in the latest Leadership News email from WSPTA.
- WSPTA Virtual Meetings - Virtually taking care of business while still using best practices.
- Bellevue PTSA Council Summer Retreat Planning Tips
- In-Person Icebreakers and Virtual Icebreakers - Articles from MindTools on designing an icebreaker activity specifically focused on meeting your objectives and appropriate to the group of people involved.
- The Best Ice Breaker of All Time - An article that argues for the importance and value of ice breakers.
As always, Council is here to help your PTA have a successful year! If you ever have questions, you can reach out to us anytime via email. Find a list of Council Contacts here.
Council Business:
Approval of the January 20th, 2022 Meeting Minutes which were accepted with minor changes. Approval of the preliminary budget for the 2022-2023 school year.
Election of our 2022-2023 officers:
Thank you to our hardworking Nominating Committee, Diana Christiansen, Cherry Holmes, and Jasmine Lee Fry, for putting together the slate of candidates! Diana Christiansen read the Nominating Report. The self-nomination period was held in accordance with our e-voting policy with no others submitting their names for nomination. The election script was followed with a reading from the WSPTA bylaws. A motion was cast to accept the slate as presented, seconded, and approved by a voice vote.
Congratulations to our incoming 2022-2023 officers!!
- For the Office of Co President: Rachel Fitzgerald and Mary Khouzam
- For the Office of First Vice President: Grace Jurado
- For the Office of Secretary: Open*
- For the Office of Treasurer: Serena Xu
- For the Office of VP of Events: Open*
- For the Office of VP of Advocacy: Jennifer Drury
- For the Office of VP of Communications: Jennifer Snyder
- For the Office of VP of Elementary Support: Diana Christiansen
- For the Office of VP of Secondary Support: Brenae Brix
*Please be advised that by the time the self-nomination period closed, no candidate had come forth for either Secretary or VP of Events. Council will continue to seek volunteers for these positions with the goal of holding elections for them at a future General Membership Meeting. If interested in serving in either of these roles on an interim basis, please contact us at [email protected].
District Updates:
- NSD Partnerships & Volunteer Coordinator Marco Garcia informed us that everything related to becoming a Northshore volunteer or being a campus visitor can now be completed on the Safe Visitor website for volunteers. He also let us know that the vaccine requirement has not been lifted. Finally, Community Serve Day will be August 21st 2022 with more information to come. Learn more about becoming a NSD volunteer.
- NSD School Board Updates: Director Amy Cast reviewed the technology parameters with us, reviewed strategic goals and indicators of progress as it has been five years, and reviewed the use of the Levy money including safety grants, work towards more school mental health professionals, nurses, as well as fewer portables etc. Learn more about NSD's School Board.
- Northshore School's Foundation: Hanisha Bakshani/NSF Ambassador North Creek High School let us know that the NSF All in For Kids event is March 31st, 2022 at 4pm at the Evergreen Church. Learn more about the Northshore School's Foundation.
Council Reports:
- Staff Appreciation: Rachel Fitzgerald informed us that we will have a virtual staff appreciation for district staff. Currently collecting thank you notes from the community to put together for the staff. There will be a different piece for the council to do as well. The deadline to collect notes and gather all the information is April 22nd. Learn more...
- Council Recognition Awards: Mary Khouzam updated us on Council recognition awards. This year we have an online form for nominations again which can be found here. If you would like to help with the awards recognition, please contact Mary at [email protected].
- Speaker and Events Grants Program: Mary Khouzam let us know that grant program has closed for this year. Click here for Round 3 Recipients.
- Reflections: Jasmine Lee Fry updated us that we had 267 entries that were submitted to the council. 59 submissions were forwarded to the state. 4 entries won awards at the state level. Click here for judging results from both Council & WSPTA as well as a link to our Virtual Art Showcase.
- Special Education: Laura Staneff let us know that Council will hold a series of 4 webinars scheduled for free through PAVE. The first one was about IEPS and took place on March 22nd. There will be three other webinars in April, May and June. Learn more...
- Mental Health Committee: Melissa Kline & Pauline Wray updated that the Mental Health Committee's Digital Safety Event with Jo Langford happened on March 14th and was well attended. Currently the committee is working on getting Mental Health resource posters up in secondary schools. Finally, an anti-bullying article is currently up on our website and ask that you please share it with your communities.
- Membership: Hanisha Bakshani & Melissa Kline updated us that 21 PTAs are over their membership numbers from last year and we have a total of 5,337 members to date.
We hope you will join us for our next General Membership Meeting on May 16th, 2022 @ 7pm. This meeting will also include our annual Spring Recognition Event!
For a full list of our upcoming meetings and events, check out our Calendar.
Slate of Candidates
In the 2022 Nominating Committee Report, the following slate of candidates were put forward for 2022-2023:
Per the 2021-2022 Council Standing Rules:
All Candidates:
- Any position may be held jointly by two (2) people, except the role of Treasurer.
- Nominees must be at least 18 years of age.
- Nominees must be a current member of at least one local PTA that falls within the Northshore Council PTSA membership area.
Candidates for the office of President and First Vice President shall also:
- Have two years of elected officer experience on Northshore Council PTSA;
- Have served as President of a local PTA for at least one year and have one year of serving in an elected position on Council or higher.
Candidates for the offices of VP of Elementary Support and VP of Secondary Support shall also:
- Have served in PTA a minimum of 2 years, with one year as a local PTA President and one year in a board position at the educational stage that they are going to support.
As there is only one candidate per position, the election will be conducted via voice vote at the next General Membership Meeting, on Monday, March 21, 2022. For positions that are listed as "OPEN", no candidate has come forth. Council will continue to seek volunteers for these positions with the goal of holding elections for them at a future General Membership Meeting.
Topic: Northshore Council PTSA General Meeting
Time: Mar 21, 2022 06:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 878 3103 3263
Passcode: *Available upon request.
One tap mobile
+12532158782,,87831033263#,,,,*369032# US (Tacoma)
+17207072699,,87831033263#,,,,*369032# US (Denver)
Dial by your location
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 720 707 2699 US (Denver)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Meeting ID: 878 3103 3263
Find your local number:
Information about Northshore Council PTSA online elections procedures is available in its Electronic Voting (E-Voting) Policy.
Questions? Please contact Northshore Council PTSA President Jane Chiodo.
*A meeting password is required to join. It will be sent to local leaders via email. You can also request the password by emailing Council PTSA VP of Communications, Rachel Fitzgerald.
Northshore Council PTSA will be holding its 2022-2023 elections online. Since “nominations from the floor” can’t work as they normally would at an in-person meeting, Northshore Council PTSA is opening up the floor virtually by using an online submission form. If you are interested in joining the 2022-2023 Northshore Council PTSA Executive Board, now is the time to self declare! Self Nominations can be done for any elected Council position, but we are especially looking for leaders interested in serving in the following roles:
Northshore Council PTSA for 2022-2023 can do so at:
Deadline for submission is Friday, March 11th, 2022
At the close of the self-nomination period, if there is any contested position we will send out an electronic voting method to Northshore PTA/PTSA presidents and vice-presidents. If no position is contested, we will hold the election by voice vote during our next General Meeting, on Monday, March 21st, 2022. Click here for meeting information.
Slate of Candidates:
In the 2022 Nominating Committee Report, the following slate of candidates were put forward for 2022-2023:
- For the Office of Co-President: Rachel Fitzgerald
- For the Office of Co-President: Mary Khouzam
- For the Office of First Vice President: Grace Jurado
- For the Office of Secretary: OPEN
- For the Office of Treasurer: Serena Xu
- For the Office of VP of Events: OPEN
- For the Office of VP of Advocacy: Jennifer Drury
- For the Office of VP of Communications: Jennifer Snyder
- For the Office of VP of Elementary Support: Diana Christiansen
- For the Office of VP of Secondary Support: Brenae Brix
Qualification Requirements
Per the 2021-2022 Council Standing Rules:
All Candidates:
- Any position may be held jointly by two (2) people, except the role of Treasurer.
- Nominees must be at least 18 years of age.
- Nominees must be a current member of at least one local PTA that falls within the Northshore Council PTSA membership area.
Candidates for the office of President and First Vice President shall also:
- Have two years of elected officer experience on Northshore Council PTSA;
- Have served as President of a local PTA for at least one year and have one year of serving in an elected position on Council or higher.
Candidates for the offices of VP of Elementary Support and VP of Secondary Support shall also:
- Have served in PTA a minimum of 2 years, with one year as a local PTA President and one year in a board position at the educational stage that they are going to support.
President: The President has many important jobs including serving as the official contact, communicator and representative of Council. They oversee and coordinate the work of the executive board, preside over meetings, are ex-officio members of all committees (except Nominating Committee) and are designated as an authorized signer for checks, contracts and authorizations for payment. But, most importantly, they work to connect PTAs which in turn helps them support families, schools and the community to work towards overall student success.
1st VP: Must be familiar with the Council president’s duties and responsibilities. Act as an aide to the president and perform the duties of the president in his or her absence. Is in charge of advertising and organizing the Council Grant Program and yearly Awards.
Treasurer: Is the authorized custodian of the funds of the association and receives and disburses all monies in accordance with the budget as approved by the membership.
Secretary: Keeps an accurate record of meetings, which become part of the permanent history of the PTA. Also responsible for taking attendance and monitoring quorum at meetings.
VP of Events: Plans and coordinates Councils yearly events including Presidents and Principals Brunch, Reflections Celebration and Spring Recognition Event.
VP of Communications: Works to facilitate Northshore Council PTSA communications in order to inform, engage, educate and inspire local PTAs and beyond.
VP of Advocacy: Help to educate local PTA's and disseminate information about current WSPTA and National PTA legislative priorities.
VP of Elementary Support: Act as a conduit of information for local elementary PTAs. Helps to answer questions local PTA's may have and works to recognize and celebrate local PTA's.
VP of Secondary Support: Act as a conduit of information for local secondary (high school and middle school) PTAs. Helps to answer questions local PTA's may have and works to recognize and celebrate local PTA's.
The election will take place during the Northshore Council PTSA Membership Meeting on Monday, March 21, 2022. WSPTA Bylaws permit the nomination of candidates from the floor* at the meeting before the vote takes place.
*Since meetings are currently held virtually, "nominations from the floor" will be done using an online submission form prior to the meeting. See our post on Self Declaring for 2022-2023 Elected Board Positions for more information.
In addition to our regular business items, we’ll be pre-approving our budget for the 2022-2023 year.
Additionally, during this meeting we will be holding elections for our 2022-2023 Council Officers. To learn more about this, visit our other blogs:
*UPDATE* Guest Speaker: We are excited to have Melissa Riley, NSD Assistant Director of Equity Pedagogy, joining us to give an update on the progress that has been made on an Ethnic Studies framework for our district. We'll learn what it is, who is involved, what has been done and what still needs to be done to get this off the ground. Melissa will also be joined by a few NSD students who have been actively involved in this work. To learn more about the Ethnic Studies Work Team, you can visit this link.
Topic: Northshore Council PTSA General Meeting Time: Mar 21, 2022 06:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 878 3103 3263 Passcode: *Available upon request. One tap mobile +12532158782,,87831033263#,,,,*369032# US (Tacoma) +17207072699,,87831033263#,,,,*369032# US (Denver) Dial by your location +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 720 707 2699 US (Denver) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) Meeting ID: 878 3103 3263 Find your local number: | Join us before the meeting to chat with Council and other local PTA Leaders! Come say hi, ask questions, or just hang out for social time before the meeting. |
*A meeting passcode is required to join. It will be sent to local leaders via email. You can also request the passcode by emailing Council PTSA Communications VP, Rachel Fitzgerald.
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Art Docent
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Candidates Forum
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Council Committee
Council Office Hours
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E Prep
Family Engagement
Focus Day
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Legislative Assembly
Local PTAs
Mental Health
Nominating Committee
Northshore PTAs
Northshore School District
Parent Education
Pta Leaders
PTA Training
Public Comment
Region 6
Special Education
Spring Recognition
Spring Recognition Breakfast
Staff Appreciation
Standards Of Excellence