Over the weekend of October 26th and 27th, PTA member delegates from all over Washington convened on Seattle Pacific University to attend Washington State PTA's Legislative Assembly. These delegates included representation from many Northshore PTAs and Council! Delegates attended panels dedicated to learning more about the school budget crisis in Washington, hearing from school board directors and school superintendents. Delegates also discussed, debated, and voted on new issues and resolutions, including the adoption of WSPTA’s 2024-2026 Legislative Platform and Top Five Issues. At the close of the 2024 WSPTA Legislative Assembly, WSPTA President Angela Steck announced the results of voting for the 2024-2026 Top 5 legislative priorities. The remaining issues, "Mitigating the Adverse Impacts of Climate Change" and "Increasing Educational Equity by Closing the Digital Divide" will be added to the "Also Supported" list of our short-term legislative priorities. Soon PTA Advocates will be meeting with their legislative representatives to encourage them to pass legislation in support of the PTAs priorities. Important Advocacy Dates: Submit a New or Amended Resolution for Consideration at May 2025 WSPTA Annual Meeting Deadline: November 1 – Draft submissions (titles and concept) should be emailed to the WSPTA Resolutions Chair at [email protected] November 15 – Final, complete submissions should be emailed to the WSPTA Resolutions Chair at [email protected] Learn more about submitting a resolution HERE. Upcoming WSPTA Advocacy Events: December 17, 2024 - What to Expect in the 2025 Legislative Session – Hosted by Marie Sullivan, WSPTA Legislative Consultant | 7pm | Online January 8, 2025 - 2025 Legislative Session Preview: Legislator Panel – Hosted by Marie Sullivan, WSPTA Legislative Consultant | 7pm | Online February 17, 2025 - Focus Day in Olympia (kids welcome!) February 10 – 14, 2025 - Advocacy Week If you want to learn more, visit Council's Advocacy Page.
If you have questions, reach out at any time to Council's Co-VPs of Advocacy, Terra Droney & Holly Muenchow.
Northshore Council PTSA is building an Advocacy Coalition!
This isn't your average meeting; this is where passion meets purpose. Whether you’re a seasoned advocate or just starting to feel that fire for education reform, it will be a chance to share the areas you care about most and turn your ideas into action. We're here to discuss real, impactful ways to advocate for better education funding and policies that work for ALL students in Washington -- starting right here in Northshore! Bring your voice, your curiosity, and your drive to create lasting change. Let’s come together, share perspectives, and build pathways to equity and success for all. We promise there’s no experience required, just a desire to make a difference. Ready to rise up for change? We’re all ears! Join us from the comfort of your home, PJs optional but enthusiasm encouraged! Let’s revolutionize education together, one conversation at a time. Register Now! Meetings are the 2nd Tuesday of the Month at 8pm on Zoom! 2024 Meetings
2025 Meetings
If you have any questions, please reach out to our Co-VPs of Advocacy, Holly Muenchow and Terra Droney. WSPTA urges our over 84,000 members to vote no on I-2109 and I-2117.
Further information can be found on the WSPTA blog:
WSPTA Advocacy Roundtable: No on Initiatives 2109 & 2117 WSPTA will be hosting an Advocacy Roundtable dedicated to voting no on initiatives 2109 & 2117 online on Tuesday, October 8th from 7pm-8pm online. Join the roundtable to ask questions and/or learn more about how your PTA can take a position! Register here to participate! The Fight to Fund our Public Schools: A Community Discussion on I-2109 There is also an opportunity to gather for a Community Discussion specifically regarding I-2109 hosted by Friends of Davina Duerr and Shelley Kloba. This discussion is open to all community members to ask questions, voice their concerns and learn more about what's at stake. The event will be held in-person at North Creek High School on Tuesday, October 15th from 6:30pm - 8pm. Register here. Education Funding Crisis Town Hall This town hall is a kickoff to conversations with our legislators about the devastating impacts of the lack of funding on our districts, schools, and students. This is a joint effort between the educators and leaders of Edmonds, Northshore, and Shoreline school districts. Legislators from the 1st, 21st, 32nd, 44th and 45th legislative districts have been invited. There will be a chance to hear about the impacts of underfunding, as well as engage in conversation about it. The event will be held in-person at Edmonds-Woodway High School on Wednesday, October 23rd from 6:00 - 7:30pm. Register here. ![]() Summer Advocacy Meetup Tuesday, August 20, 2024 @ 4 PM Bothell Landing Park Open to the Community! We invite you to join us at our summer advocacy meetup. Together we can make a difference. Email Co-VPs of Advocacy for questions or more information. The journey over the past year, marked by tireless advocacy and leadership within PTA, the largest volunteer child advocacy organization in the nation, has been remarkable. Together, the Northshore community has worked diligently to ensure the well-being and education of all children. Challenges and Triumphs The road to advocacy is rarely smooth, and this year was no exception. One of the most significant challenges faced was the need for increased school funding in Washington state. Despite this obstacle, the community's focus on progress led to notable achievements through advocacy partnerships. Among these were the retention of the 7-period day in Northshore high schools, increased pay and support for paraeducators, enhanced access to mental health resources, and a reduction in the special education funding gap. Additionally, the passage of laws aimed at reducing gun violence and suicide, along with other policies, contributed to the education and well-being of all children. ![]() Key Advocacy Milestones Throughout the year, Northshore PTA advocates made significant strides on their road to advocacy. Key events included:
Looking Ahead Reflecting on the advocacy journey, it is clear that the work is far from over. The road to advocacy is long, but with the continued support and efforts of the community, further progress can be made. The focus remains on increasing state funding to reduce budget shortfalls and avoid future cuts, ensuring that Washington state fulfills its paramount duty: education. Gratitude and admiration extend to everyone for their dedication, passion, and unwavering commitment to ensuring excellent education for all children in local schools and beyond. As the journey continues, the Northshore community stands united in its advocacy, ready to navigate and overcome any challenges that lie ahead. Take Action!![]() Attend Council's Summer Advocacy Meetup
Write Your Legislators
Attend a School Board Meeting
Be a PTA Advocate!
Together We Can Make a Difference! Open to the Community! We invite you to join us at one or all of our advocacy meetups. Our meetups will address the challenges presented by the budget cuts in education and finding ways to overcome them. Let's explore how effective advocacy can make a difference and keep education a priority, no matter the financial constraints. It's all about taking action and standing up for what's important, even when times get tough. See you there!
Email Council's Co-VPs of Advocacy, Terra Droney and Holly Muenchow at [email protected]. On January 16, 2024, Northshore Council PTSA held a virtual General Membership Meeting. We would like to say thank you to all of the local leaders from across the Northshore School District, as well as community and school partners for taking the time to join us! Continue reading below for a recap of the meeting. Announcements
After the meeting was adjourned, membership was invited to join Co-VP's of Advocacy Terra Droney & Holly Muenchow to discuss how to continue the advocating momentum after Focus Day. We hope to see you at our next March 18, 2024 at 7PM via Zoom. Register for Zoom meeting link. Wondering how you can make a difference in school funding? Join Council's Co-VPs of Advocacy, Terra Droney and Holly Muenchow to learn about Focus Week (Jan. 15-19) and discuss how to advocate for school funding at the state level. Join Us for Focus on Advocacy Day - Monday, January 15, 2024 in Olympia! Register and find more information here.
Questions? Email Council's Co-VPs of Advocacy, Terra Droney and Holly Muenchow at [email protected]. Actions You Can Do Now:
WSPTA members and students are invited to put on their "PTA Blue" and join us IN PERSON in Olympia to advocate for children and schools with elected officials. Gather in the Columbia room with us to network and hear speakers. We will also be offering docent-led tours of the Capitol grounds. The event is from 9:00 am – 2:30 pm. The agenda with speakers listed will be added here in Eventbrite and in the Focus on Advocacy newsletter when it is available. More details and information can be found on the Focus on Advocacy webpage. More on Advocacy:
Washington's Superintendent of Public Instruction, Chris Reykdal, opened by sharing many of the challenges facing our schools this year and next, especially budget shortfalls. We also heard from OSPI and superintendents across the state how challenging it is to get school buildings funded, built, and updated with the latest safety features. And of course, we added and updated the WSPTA platform for legislative issues and resolutions on topics including:
Updated 2023 - 2024 Legislative Priorities
October 2023 Important Advocacy Dates:New or Amended Resolutions for Consideration Deadline: The deadline to submit new or amended resolutions for consideration at the business meeting held in May during convention is noon on November 15, 2023. Find more information and the submission form on the WSPTA Resolutions webpage. Upcoming Advocacy Dates: December 13, 2023 Legislative Session Preview – Legislator Panel January 3, 2024 What to Expect in the 2024 Legislative Session – Marie Sullivan, WSPTA Legislative Consultant January 15, 2024 Focus Day in Olympia (kids welcome!) January 15 – 19, 2024 Advocacy Week (virtual) Please note Focus on Advocacy is happening a month earlier this year. Visit WSPTA Focus on Advocacy page for more information and an advocacy toolkit. More on Advocacy:
Registration is NOW OPEN for WSPTA's 45th Annual Legislative Assembly! WSPTA Legislative Assembly 2023 Saturday, October 21 & Sunday, October 22 Registration Open Until October 5 at 12 noon. Virtual Event
Important Dates and Deadlines:
Voting Delegates: During the 45th annual Washington State PTA Legislative Assembly, delegates will decide the public policy positions that guide state and local advocacy work for WSPTA and its associated local PTAs and councils. To learn more about being a voting delegate, visit WSPTA's Legislative Assembly Delegate Information page and the 2023 Voting Information page that has been created to help delegates prepare for the caucusing and general sessions. About Legislative Assembly: The Washington State PTA legislative platform is a two-year platform to mirror the Washington state legislative cycle. On the even-numbered years, the new platform is voted on by members at the legislative assembly in the fall. The top five issues become our short-term platform and consist of our priority issues when advocating throughout the year. Other issues are placed on an “also supported” list. Learn about WSPTA's current legislative priorities and other supported issues by clicking here. It will be an incredible weekend of advocacy, education, and networking including informative guest presenters, workshops, panels, trainings, and of course, the important work of debating and voting on additions and updates to our legislative platform. This is an amazing opportunity to connect with PTA members and advocates statewide. Check out the Legislative Assembly web page to learn more about this year's event. More on Advocacy:
February 2025
Northshore Council PTSA is a welcoming organization that works to support our Local PTAs and serve the children and youth of our community through advocacy, collaboration, education, engagement, leadership, and mentorship.