We would like to take a moment to thank everyone who made our Reflections Art Reception on January 11th a HUGE success!THANK YOU TO......
Want to learn more about Reflections? Visit our Reflections webpage! Check out pictures from the event below!Wondering How You Can Make a Difference in School Funding? |
Washington State PTA's Focus Week & Focus Day are fast approaching! Advocating for education has never been more crucial and WE NEED YOUR VOICE to amplify the call for better funding for all public education in Washington State. |
Already Registered? The Northshore PTA Carpool Caravan will leave the Bothell Park and Ride at 7 a.m. If you want to join the carpool, have any questions, or want to learn more about Northshore PTA advocacy efforts, please email [email protected].
Still need to Register with WSPTA? Complete the registration form here!
Washington State PTA Focus Day is an annual gathering where advocates, parents, students, educators, and community members join forces to voice their concerns, share ideas, and engage in constructive dialogue about the future of education in our state. This is also a school holiday - an ideal time to involve students in the process of local government and citizen action! It's a day to amplify our collective voice and make a difference!
Our Legislators want to hear from YOU. They need to hear the stories, experiences, and passion of our students, parents and teachers - it can be the catalyst for positive change in our education system.
PTA Focus Day provides a unique opportunity to engage directly with decision-makers. Your face-to-face conversations can be a game-changer and your participation can influence decision-makers and drive positive change.
By attending, you become part of a movement that seeks to shape the educational landscape for the better and you become a crucial advocate for increased funding that will directly benefit our students, teachers, and schools.
Connect with your community and feel the strength in numbers power that can fuel inspiration, hope and connection within our local and larger community.
- Council's Advocacy Page
- Questions? Email Council's Co-VPs of Advocacy, Terra Droney & Holly Muenchow.
Our guest speaker will be Carri Campbell, NSD Executive Director of Communications, who will join us to present and discuss the findings of the NSD Student Wellness & Safety Task Force. This task force's recommendations have begun to be implemented and affect schools and students across our district. NSD community members are invited to join this meeting to learn more about these recommendations.
Register to attend the presentation HERE.
The link to register for this special presentation also registers you for our regular monthly emergency prep meetings. By registering for this Zoom on February 4th, you are under no obligation to attend our meetings in April-June, but we'd love to have you!
More about Monthly Council Emergency Preparedness (E-prep) Meetings:
Anyone in a PTA/PTSA is welcome to attend our meetings; we encourage local PTA/PTSA E-Prep chairs to attend as well as Presidents, VPs, or other PTA/PTSA delegates.
In these meetings we share and obtain updates from the NSD Safety & Security team and discuss opportunities where the PTA can provide support to our schools in the areas of emergency preparedness, safety, and security.
Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month from 11:00am to Noon.
Questions? Email: [email protected]
Learn more about E-prep here: www.northshorecouncilptsa.org/emergency-preparedness.html
Congratulations to all of the students who made it
to the Council Level for judging!!
Judging Results:
There were 59 State Qualifiers who will continue on to the Washington State PTA level for further judging and could advance to Nationals!
There were also 14 pieces that received the honorable Judge's Choice Award. Judges Choice recipients are noted for their amazing creativity, but do not continue to the state level of judging.
2024-2025 Council Reflections Results
2025 Reflections Reception
Saturday, January 11, 2025
Nominate yourself or someone who is passionate about education and dedicated to our community TODAY!
Questions? Contact Council's Nominating Committee at [email protected]
Per the 2024-2025 Council Standing Rules & WSPTA Uniform Bylaws (Article 5, Section 6):
All Candidates:
- Any position may be held jointly by two (2) people, except the role of Treasurer.
- Nominees must be at least 18 years of age.
- Nominees must be a current member of at least one local PTA that falls within the Northshore Council PTSA membership area for at least 30 days prior to election.
- Nominees must have been a member of a local PTA board of directors or Northshore Council board of directors for at least one term.
- Have two years of elected officer experience on Northshore Council PTSA;
- Have served as President of a local PTA for at least one year and have one year of serving in an elected position on Council or higher.
- Have served in an elected PTA position for a minimum of 2 years with one year in a PTA board position at the educational stage that they are going to support.
President: The president has many important jobs including serving as the official contact, communicator and representative of Council. They oversee and coordinate the work of the executive board, preside over meetings, are ex-officio members of all committees (except Nominating Committee) and are designated as an authorized signer for checks, contracts and authorizations for payment. But, most importantly, they work to connect PTAs which in turn helps them support families, schools and the community to work towards overall student success.
1st VP: Must be familiar with the Council president’s duties and responsibilities. Act as an aide to the president and perform the duties of the president in his or her absence. Is in charge of advertising and organizing the Council Grant Program and yearly Awards.
Treasurer: Is the authorized custodian of the funds of the association and receives and disburses all monies in accordance with the budget as approved by the membership.
Secretary: Keeps an accurate record of meetings, which become part of the permanent history of the PTA. Also responsible for taking attendance and monitoring quorum at meetings.
VP of Events: Plans and coordinates Councils yearly events including Presidents and Principals event, Reflections Celebration and Spring Recognition Event.
VP of Communications: Works to facilitate Northshore Council PTSA communications in order to inform, engage, educate and inspire local PTAs and beyond.
VP of Advocacy: Help to educate local PTA's and disseminate information about current WSPTA and National PTA legislative priorities.
VP of Elementary Support: Act as a conduit of information for local elementary PTAs. Helps to answer questions local PTA's may have and works to recognize and celebrate local PTA's.
VP of Secondary Support: Act as a conduit of information for local secondary (high school and middle school) PTAs. Helps to answer questions local PTA's may have and works to recognize and celebrate local PTA's.
Power outages prevented us from electing our 2024-2025 Nominating Committee at the November 19th general membership meeting. We are still seeking at least two more volunteers for the committee, and we will continue to seek self-nominations with the goal of electing our Nominating Committee at our January 21st meeting. |
Qualification Requirements:
- No person may serve on this committee for more than two consecutive one-year terms.
- For a council nominating committee, the candidate must be a member of a local PTA in the council for at least 15 days preceding their election.
Questions? Please contact Northshore Council PTSA President Grace Jurado.
Meet & Greet: Join us before the meeting, at 6:30PM, to chat with Council and other local PTA Leaders! Come say hi, ask questions, or just hang out for social time before the meeting. |
Northshore Council PTSA General Meeting Tuesday, January 21, 2025 6:30 PM Meet & Greet 7 PM Meeting Begins Register for Zoom Meeting Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAocuuhpj8uGtTIDcSsyCOupXNlbGH9ALma Agenda:
Questions? Email Council President, Grace Jurado, at [email protected].
Save the Date - View calendar of future meeting dates.
A common question is: "Why join the PTA?" If you have ever asked someone to support your PTA by becoming a member, volunteering at an event, or attending a meeting, then you’ve probably been asked this one simple question: “Why?” And likely you’ve responded with a list of events your PTA hosts or the different ways your PTA provides funding for your school. Both are great things to share, but there is one aspect that is often overlooked: the value that being part of PTA has given to YOU as a volunteer. PTA is rewarding for those involved and it’s great to highlight this to your members. |
This year’s P&P event was 80's and game show inspired, so we themed our slides accordingly with lots of neon and totally rad 80's beats. We also added in a few multiple choice 80's Council trivia questions! You can view Council’s "Why I PTA" video below.
Bonus Tip: Having members of your board create something similar to showcase their PTA journey not only shows the value of your PTA, but also helps to introduce your board members to the community!
If you are interested in making your own slides/video and would like help, reach out to our Council VP of Secondary Support, Rachel Fitzgerald, by emailing [email protected].
Northshore Council PTSA is hoping to hold an election for the three (3) positions on its 2024-2025 Nominating Committee during our General Membership Meeting on Tuesday, November 19th. As of this date, 10/31/2024, we have NO candidates that have self-declared themselves for nomination. We will continue to seek nominations until Friday, November 15th in the hopes that we will have a slate to present at the Nov. 19th meeting. If we receive no self-nominations via the online form, we will call for nominations from the floor at the November meeting. |
Qualification Requirements:
- No person may serve on this committee for more than two consecutive one-year terms.
- For a council nominating committee, the candidate must be a member of a local PTA in the council for at least 15 days preceding their election.
Questions? Please contact Northshore Council PTSA President Grace Jurado.
Northshore Council PTSA welcomes Shelby Reynolds, Former Washington State PTA Family and Community Engagement Director, and her teen, Red Reynolds, who will share their experiences and suggestions on how to best support our LGBTQ students and families at home, at school and in the community. This will be a 45-minute presentation with 30 minutes for Q and A. This presentation is open to anyone who would like to attend. PTA Leaders, please share this event with your school communities! Thank you! Please register to attend: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAkcOihqjwvG9IputikbdSES1eEksfXWQsR |
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Art Docent
Bonds & Levies
Candidates Forum
Coffee With Council
Council Committee
Council Office Hours
Council Programs
E Prep
Family Engagement
Focus Day
Focus Week
Legislative Assembly
Local PTAs
Mental Health
Nominating Committee
Northshore PTAs
Northshore School District
Parent Education
Pta Leaders
PTA Training
Public Comment
Region 6
Special Education
Spring Recognition
Spring Recognition Breakfast
Staff Appreciation
Standards Of Excellence