Join us virtually on March 4th at 7:00PM for this upcoming Parent Education event: A Solution for (Almost) Every Struggle: Parenting Outside the B.O.C.S.! Have you ever felt defeated by your child's behavior? Do you recall a time when you were at a loss for how to manage your child's big feelings or felt your own pulse rise over the latest annoyance or transgression? Then join us for this webinar where you will learn real, practical parenting tools to help you parent with heart! This “Live” Workshop is presented by Parent Coach® Christy Keating, J.D. who will explore a new framework for addressing (almost) any conflict or challenge that arises with children, whether they are toddlers, teens, or in-betweens, and helps parents when that “I don’t know what to do or say” feeling happens. Topics during the workshop will include: • How our brains hijack our best intentions while parenting; • How to respond rather than react; • What our children’s challenging behaviors may actually be telling us and how to decode the messages; • Why time-outs, rewards, punishments, and bribes don’t work and what to do instead; • How to problem-solve with our children; and • How to ensure our solutions help our families THRIVE. Drawing on principles of positive discipline, research and writings by Dr. Daniel Siegel, Jane Nelsen, Lynn Lott, Rudolph Driekurs, and her own experience as both a parent and parent coach, Christy teaches parents a new framework for interacting with their children and solving problems. Attendees will walk away with clear strategies they can use to parent in a way builds love, joy, connection, along with important social emotional skills. Register to attend at: **Space is limited** Questions? Contact us! This event is co-sponsored by Northshore Council PTSA, Cottage Lake Elementary PTA, and Hollywood Hill Elementary PTA. Check out the flyer below or download it by clicking here. Comments are closed.
January 2025
Northshore Council PTSA is a welcoming organization that works to support our Local PTAs and serve the children and youth of our community through advocacy, collaboration, education, engagement, leadership, and mentorship.