Our community is adapting to the stay-at-home-order, so there is lots going on with PTSA and our District community. The Washington State PTA Convention will be held May 11 – 21st with the Business Meeting on May 16th. Each PTA President should appoint their delegates by April 29th. Over the course of eleven days there will be roughly 35 professional development webinars and networking sessions held and none of them will overlap. The cost is only $60 to attend as many classes as you like. New boards are encouraged to send officers because this counts as the required training for next year. Every board needs at least one officer to take “PTA and the Law” which will only be 90 minutes this year. The membership unanimously elected the slate for 2020 -21 Northshore Council PTSA Executive Board. Congratulations to next year's elected officers:
Council Award nominations are due May 1st. Submit your nominations online. Elizabeth Meza, the Northshore School District (NSD) Director of Family Engagement and English Language Learners Support shared that the Northshore Schools Foundation (NSF) in partnership with the District have collected hundreds of books to share with families since libraries are closed and this is what families have requested. Please contact her at [email protected] if you are interested in donating books, volunteering to organize, or distribute books, or if you have families that you would like to connect to this program. Learn more about the book donation program on the NSF website. The NSF is also partnering with NSD to provide weekend meals and school supplies for families as needed. NSD Partnerships Coordinator, Natalie Campbell, shared that NSD staff are also working on virtual tours of schools for families transitioning to new schools. She also shared dates for a number of upcoming events, including:
The Northshore Schools Foundation is also working on Launch Day 2020 for high school Seniors, only this time it will be virtual and over the course of 3 weeks on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. They hope to offer sessions in topics such as basic car maintenance, finance, interviewing, cyber-security and personal relationships. Typically, they enlist recent grads to help. If you know any recent grads who are interesting in volunteering, please direct them to this online form. The Council will continue to host Zoom Roundtables every Tuesday at noon. Part of this week’s discussion was PTA budgeting. Local PTAs are urged to budget conservatively for 2020-21 considering fundraising may be down significantly for spring and fall and beyond. Focus on free community-building events. Be mindful of your PTA’s purpose and what is sustainable for your community. Perhaps keep extra money in reserve. Our next General Membership meeting will be June 1, 2020 at 7pm.
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February 2025
Northshore Council PTSA is a welcoming organization that works to support our Local PTAs and serve the children and youth of our community through advocacy, collaboration, education, engagement, leadership, and mentorship.