A big part of PTA is Advocacy. Getting information out to voters is one way Council supports this advocacy work. In the upcoming November 2nd Election, three (3) Northshore School District School Board seats are up for election. To increase access to candidates for voters, Council held an in-person forum on October 5th, 2021. A recording of this forum can be found below. Before watching the forum, please read this message from Council: With events of this type, there were bound to be unexpected challenges and technical issues. And, unfortunately, our forum did not escape the gremlins. Initially, the candidates struggled with the 1 minute time limit on answers and a decision was made to extend their time to answer from 60 seconds to 90 seconds. There were also challenges with recording and especially with sound throughout the event. And, to cap it off, the microphone malfunctioned 10 minutes from the end of our event. When the microphone quit, we made the decision to switch to another video format and allow the candidates to remove their masks for their closing statements to ensure a clearer delivery. Because of these issues, you will notice that our recording is not as smooth as we had hoped. There are a few cuts in recording where we had to edit out some of the more obnoxious technical issues - especially the microphone squeaks and feedback - and our attempts to fix them. Any portion of the video where the candidates were speaking has been kept intact and unaltered. Despite the best efforts of our volunteers, you may also notice a sync issue between the audio and visual at times and most notably around the 1 hour mark. Please be assured that all answers candidates gave can be heard in their entirety. We sincerely appreciate the patience of those who were in person with us and the grace the candidates showed. We especially applaud our team of volunteers for demonstrating the meaning of "PTA Flexible". The School Board Candidate Forum can be viewed by clicking the image below. Additional Resources for Voters
Northshore Council PTSA is proud to announce the recipient of our 1st round of Educational Speakers & Community Events Grants for 2021-2022!
Local PTAs/PTSAs interested in partnering with Northshore Council PTSA to host speakers or events were able to apply for a Northshore Council PTSA Educational Speakers and Community Events Grant. 2021-2022 grants are offered on a first-come, first-serve basis and applications will be reviewed by the Northshore Council PTSA until the Council Programs budget is used in its entirety. The submission deadline for the next round of Educational Speakers & Community Events Grants is November 26, 2021. For more information about the grants program, visit our Educational Speakers and Community Events Grant Program page.
We hope you find these resources helpful as you continue to navigate these often stressful and strange pandemic times. Always remember: Mental Health matters and reaching out for help if you are struggling is as important as going to the doctor if you feel physically unwell. ![]() Northshore Council PTSA is seeking three (3) volunteers to serve on its 2021-2022 Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee is a special committee that holds the key to a successful PTSA. It is responsible for presenting the best qualified candidates to serve as the elected officers who will lead Northshore Council PTSA in 2021-2022. Effective candidates for nominating committee: • Are familiar with the needs and goals of Northshore Council PTSA. • Are enthusiastic about Northshore Council PTSA's mission, vision, and goals. • Are willing to work and devote considerable time to furthering the purposes and programs of Northshore Council PTSA. • Possess tact, integrity, discretion, and the ability to hold their own counsel. • Have the courage to express their ideas and defend their convictions • Demonstrate sound judgment and skill in evaluating potential nominees. • Are capable of understanding and maintaining complete confidentiality. • Represent the diversity that is present in the community and student population. • Should be elected on merit and ability – never on popularity. Members of the nominating committee are eligible to become nominees for elected office. No person may serve on this committee for more than two consecutive one-year terms. A candidate for a council nominating committee must be a member of a local PTA/PTSA in the council for at least 15 days preceding their election. If you are interested in serving on Northshore Council PTSA’s 2021-2022 Nominating Committee, please contact Jane Chiodo by Friday, November 5th. Please note: You do not need to be a Northshore Council PTSA Officer to be on the Nominating Committee. We encourage any interested and qualified Northshore PTA/PTSA member to volunteer for this vital role that will help shape the future of Northshore Council PTSA!
![]() The number one reason to join PTA is to benefit your child. The best part about being a PTA member is that you can make a difference in your child's education and well-being as well as an impact in your school community. Being a part of your school's PTA is a great way to get involved so that you become part of the solution to help make positive changes for your student as well as others. Many people believe that PTA is just about fundraising and volunteering. However, it is much more than that. PTA is the oldest and largest child advocacy organization in the country. This means that being a member of your local PTA is also about having a voice in our children's education all the way up to the state and national level. When PTA representatives advocate for our children year round, they are there solely for the best interests of our children. PTA Advocacy work is made even more powerful with the full weight of local PTA members behind them. Click here to learn more about PTA Advocacy work. Even if you don't have the time to volunteer, you can still make an impact by joining your local PTA. Every membership increases the impact PTA has in regards to advocacy work. Even just being a member makes a difference! To join PTA and become a member today, visit our Northshore PTAs/PTSAs page to find a link to your local chapter. |
February 2025
Northshore Council PTSA is a welcoming organization that works to support our Local PTAs and serve the children and youth of our community through advocacy, collaboration, education, engagement, leadership, and mentorship.