Northshore PTA members represented in Olympia on Monday, January 20, 2020 for WSPTA Focus Day! The day began at First Christian Church, where Region 6 Advocacy Chair Heidi Bennett welcomed WSPTA members. Members then trekked to the Capitol building for a rally on the steps in conjunction with Public School Employees Union members, who were there advocating for education support professionals. The rest of the day was spent meeting with legislators from the 1st, 45th and 46th Districts, including Representative Shelley Kloba (1), Senator Manka Dhingra (45), Senator David Frockt (46), Representatives Larry Springer (45) and Roger Goodman (45), Representatives Gerry Pollet (46) and Javier Valdez (46), Representative Davina Duerr (1) and Senator Derek Stanford (1). In each meeting, WSPTA legislative priorities were shared and discussed. There was also an opportunity for each member to share areas of personal interest or concern related to the WSPTA platform, including the challenges around growth in our area and the need for smaller class sizes and expanded facilities, the need for mental health supports for students, continuing concerns around youth vaping, and more. Many thanks to the Northshore PTA members who made the trip to Olympia and joined in the meetings with legislators, including Nancy Chamberlain, Jennifer Drury, Sandy Hayes, Carrie McKenzie (as well as her daughter), and Robin Zaback. Special thanks as well to Northshore Council PTSA Advocacy VPs Nancy Chamberlain and Charla Griffy Brown for organizing transportation and setting appointments with legislators! Comments are closed.
January 2025
Northshore Council PTSA is a welcoming organization that works to support our Local PTAs and serve the children and youth of our community through advocacy, collaboration, education, engagement, leadership, and mentorship.