Every PTA must file an information return with the IRS. WSPTA sample IRS instructions, login information, and schedules can be found in the password-protected Leadership Guides page of the website under the category Nonprofit Compliance Resources, IRS Information. Tuesday, November 15 is the deadline to file your applicable IRS 990 form.
Which form do we file?
What if we need an extension?
How do we file? You may use software offered by the exempt organization Modernized e-File providers listed on the IRS website at [irs.gov/2020eoefileproviders]irs.gov/2020eoefileproviders. For more information about your filing requirement, visit www.irs.gov/eoannualfiling. Form 990-N You must sign into the IRS modernized authentication platform using either the active IRS username or create an account with ID.me, the current IRS credential service provider. Additional information regarding the annual filing requirements and the Form 990-N submission page can be found here. Form 990-N filers have three options:
Note: The person filing needs to be an authorized individual of the PTA (any officer of the PTA) and she or he must have the authorization to act on behalf of the PTA. Source: WSPTA Leadership News 11/3/22 Comments are closed.
February 2025
Northshore Council PTSA is a welcoming organization that works to support our Local PTAs and serve the children and youth of our community through advocacy, collaboration, education, engagement, leadership, and mentorship.