Join us virtually on October 21st at 6:30PM for this upcoming Parent Education event: Parenting on the Same Page! Guest Speakers, Kira Dorrian and Deana Thayer, co-founders of Future Focused Parenting, aim to support parents and caregivers doing the best they can to create a safe loving environment for their children, where everyone works together as a team. This presentation is for any parent or caregiver that wants to thrive rather than just survive throughout their parenting journey. This session helps families get on the same page with their parenting partner or other adults in their children’s lives. Learn strategies for communication, preparing for parenting curveballs, and how to parent with unity even when you disagree. Presentation includes a Q&A for attendees. Talking points of this presentation include:
Register to attend at: Zoom link will be emailed to those who have registered before the event. Note: A Spanish translator will be available during the presentation. Email [email protected] if you would like to utilize this service so we can connect you with the translator before the presentation begins, or if you would like to request translation in another language. Acompañenos por Zoom para nuestro primer evento de KEPTA Parent Education, organizado junto con Northshore Council PTSA! Nuestros oradores invitados desean apoyar a padres y guardianes que quieren crear un ambiente seguro y cariñoso para sus hijos, en el cual todos trabajan como un equipo unido. Parenting on the Same Page (Criando Niños Juntos) Miercoles, el 21 de Octubre de 6:30pm a 8:00pm (incluyendo preguntas y respuestas) Antes del evento, conozcan a nuestros oradores: Kira Dorrian, CHt, HBCE y Deana Thayer, M.Ed. El enlace de Zoom se enviará antes del evento. Un traductor de español estará presente durante el evento. Por favor envíe un correo electronico antes del evento si le gustaría estar asignado al traductor para el evento. Si su PTA está interesada en compartir con su comunidad la grabación de esta presentación, por favor comuníquese con este correo electrónico para obtener una licencia. This event is co-sponsored by Northshore Council PTSA and Kenmore Elementary PTA. ![]()
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February 2025
Northshore Council PTSA is a welcoming organization that works to support our Local PTAs and serve the children and youth of our community through advocacy, collaboration, education, engagement, leadership, and mentorship.